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Name Type Rarity Cost Weight
Name Type Rarity Cost Weight
Abacus Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 2 lb.
Absurdist Web Container Very Rare 11,250 GP 0 lb.
Acid (vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
Adderwort Roots Consumable Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Adept Other Favourites Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 3 Starting Gear (Dust of Disappearance) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 3 Starting Gear (Oil of Slipperiness) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 4 Starting Gear (Agility) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 4 Starting Gear (Fortitude) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 4 Starting Gear (Insight) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Adept Tier 4 Starting Gear (Strength) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Aegis of the Eternal Moon Shield Very Rare 6,075 GP 0 lb.
Aegis of the Eternal Moon (Heavy) Shield Very Rare 6,075 GP 0 lb.
Aegis of the Eternal Moon (Light) Shield Very Rare 6,075 GP 0 lb.
Aegis of the Eternal Moon (Medium) Shield Very Rare 6,075 GP 0 lb.
Aegis of the Eternal Moon (Tower) Shield Very Rare 6,075 GP 0 lb.
Aerodite the Autumn Queen’s True Name Miscellaneous Uncommon 120 GP 0 lb.
Agate Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Agitator's Set (Bard) Container Mundane 111 GP 0 lb.
Air Charm Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Alchemical Grenade (Acid Core) Weapon Common - 0 lb.
Alchemical Grenade (Arcane Payload) Weapon Common - 0 lb.
Alchemical Grenade (Combustible) Weapon Common - 0 lb.
Alchemical Grenade (Flashbang) Weapon Common - 0 lb.
Alchemist's Fire (flask) Miscellaneous (Thrown) Mundane 35 GP 1 lb.
Alchemist's Supplies Tool Mundane 50 GP 8 lb.
Alliance Rings Jewelry Uncommon 125 GP 0 lb.
Alms Box Container Mundane - 0 lb.
Ambassador's Set (Bard) Container Mundane 91 GP 0 lb.
Amber Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Amber Wings Jewelry Uncommon 115 GP 0 lb.
Amethyst Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Amethyst (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Amulet Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 1 lb.
Amulet of Health Jewelry Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Amulet of Proof against Detection and Location Jewelry Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Amulet of the Planes Jewelry Very Rare 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Amulet of the Pleasing Bouquet Jewelry Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Ancient Broom Weapon (Simple) Artifact Varies 2 lb.
Angel Eyes Miscellaneous Rare 4,500 GP 0 lb.
Angelus Root Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Animated Shield Shield Very Rare 6,000 GP 0 lb.
Animated Shield (Heavy) Heavy Shield Very Rare 6,000 GP 0 lb.
Animated Shield (Light) Light Shield Very Rare 6,000 GP 0 lb.
Animated Shield (Medium) Medium Shield Very Rare 6,000 GP 0 lb.
Animated Shield (Tower) Tower Shield Very Rare 6,000 GP 0 lb.
Anthology of Enhanced Radiance Miscellaneous Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Antitoxin Consumable Mundane 75 GP 0 lb.
Apparatus of the Crab Miscellaneous Legendary 60,000 GP 0 lb.
Aquamarine Miscellaneous Mundane 500 GP 0 lb.
Aquamarine (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Arcane Investigator's Set (Wizard) Container Mundane 81 GP 0 lb.
Archaic Creed Miscellaneous Common 60 GP 0 lb.
Armor of Invulnerability Heavy Armor Legendary 70,000 GP 0 lb.
Armor of Resistance Armor Rare 5,500 GP 0 lb.
Armor of Vulnerability Heavy Armor Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrow of Slaying Ammunition Very Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrow-Catching Shield Shield Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrow-Catching Shield (Heavy) Heavy Shield Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrow-Catching Shield (Light) Light Shield Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrow-Catching Shield (Medium) Medium Shield Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrow-Catching Shield (Tower) Tower Shield Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Arrows Ammunition Mundane 1 GP 0.05 lb.
Arrows +1 Ammunition Uncommon 500 GP 0.05 lb.
Arrows +2 Ammunition Rare 2,000 GP 0.05 lb.
Arrows +3 Ammunition Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.05 lb.
Arsenic Consumable Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Assassin's Gauntlet Weapon (Stealthy, Finesse) Mundane 50 GP 8 lb.
Assassin's Gauntlet +1 Weapon (Stealthy, Finesse) Uncommon 500 GP 8 lb.
Assassin's Gauntlet +2 Weapon (Stealthy, Finesse) Rare 3,500 GP 8 lb.
Assassin's Gauntlet +3 Weapon (Stealthy, Finesse) Very Rare 8,000 GP 8 lb.
Assassin's Pack Container Mundane 175 GP 0 lb.
Assassin’s Ring Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Assassin’s Teapot Container Mundane 10 GP 1 lb.
Assembling Armor Miscellaneous Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Atlas to Libation Miscellaneous Common 35 GP 0 lb.
Autominer Miscellaneous Mundane 175 GP 60 lb.
Backpack Container Mundane 2 GP 5 lb.
Badge of Seasons Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Beans Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Cheese Miscellaneous Common 5 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Devouring Container Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Holding Container Uncommon 500 GP 15 lb.
Bag of Tricks (Blue) Miscellaneous Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Tricks (Gray) Miscellaneous Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Tricks (Green) Miscellaneous Rare 800 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Tricks (Rust) Miscellaneous Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Bag of Tricks (Tan) Miscellaneous Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Bagpipes Tool Mundane 30 GP 6 lb.
Ball Bearings (Bag of 1000) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 2 lb.
Bandage Miscellaneous Mundane 1 SP 0 lb.
Barbed Devil’s Bracelet Jewelry Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Bard Other Favourites Container Legendary 102,600 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 3 Starting Gear (Harp of Harmony) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 3 Starting Gear (irresistible Symphonies) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Bronze Griffon) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Ebony Fly) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Golden Lions) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Ivory Goats) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Marble Elephant) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Onyx Dog) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bard Tier 4 Starting Gear (Serpentine Owl) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Barrel Container Mundane 2 GP 70 lb.
Barrow Bread Consumable Common 2 GP 0 lb.
Basilisk Drool Consumable Uncommon 125 GP 0 lb.
Basket Container Mundane 4 SP 2 lb.
Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Mundane 35 GP 5 lb.
Bastard Sword +1 Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Bastard Sword +2 Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Bastard Sword +3 Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Battleaxe Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Mundane 10 GP 6 lb.
Battleaxe +1 Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Battleaxe +2 Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Rare 3,500 GP 6 lb.
Battleaxe +3 Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Very Rare 8,000 GP 6 lb.
Bead of Force Consumable Rare 3,000 GP 1 lb.
Bead of Tracking Jewelry Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Bedroll Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 7 lb.
Bell Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 0 lb.
Belladonna Consumable Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Cloud Giant Strength Clothing Legendary 55,000 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Dwarvenkind Clothing Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Fire Giant Strength Clothing Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Frost Giant Strength Clothing Very Rare 9,000 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Hill Giant Strength Clothing Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Stone Giant Strength Clothing Very Rare 9,000 GP 0 lb.
Belt of Storm Giant Strength Clothing Legendary 150,000 GP 0 lb.
Berserker Axe Weapon (Versatile) Rare 600 GP 6 lb.
Berserker Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Berserker Tier 2 Starting Gear (+1 greataxe) Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Berserker Tier 2 Starting Gear (Javelin of Lightning) Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Berserker Tier 3 Starting Gear Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Berserker Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Bicycle Bell of Flight Miscellaneous Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Birdsong Whistle Miscellaneous Common 85 GP 0 lb.
Black Powder Charge Miscellaneous Mundane 35 GP 1 lb.
Blackbird Pie Consumable Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Blacksmith's Package (Artificer) Container Mundane 158 GP 0 lb.
Blanket Miscellaneous Mundane 5 SP 3 lb.
Blessed Explorer's Set (Herald) Container Mundane 189 GP 0 lb.
Block And Tackle Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 5 lb.
Bloodiron Band Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Bloodstone Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Blowgun Weapon (Loading, Simple, Range) Mundane 1 GP 0.5 lb.
Blowgun +1 Weapon (Loading, Simple, Range) Uncommon 500 GP 0.5 lb.
Blowgun +2 Weapon (Loading, Simple, Range) Rare 3,500 GP 0.5 lb.
Blowgun +3 Weapon (Loading, Simple, Range) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.5 lb.
Blowgun Needles Ammunition Mundane 1 GP 0.02 lb.
Blowgun Needles +1 Ammunition Uncommon 500 GP 0.02 lb.
Blowgun Needles +2 Ammunition Rare 2,000 GP 0.02 lb.
Blowgun Needles +3 Ammunition Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.02 lb.
Board Game Set Tool Mundane 1 GP 1 lb.
Bomb, Flash Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 50 GP 3 lb.
Bomb, Smoke Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 3 lb.
Book Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 5 lb.
Book of Storing Container Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Boomerang (Long) Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Mundane 5 SP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Long) +1 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Long) +2 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Long) +3 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Short) Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Mundane 5 SP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Short) +1 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Short) +2 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Boomerang (Short) +3 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Boot Dagger Weapon (Finesse, Stealthy) Rare 75 GP 4 lb.
Boot Dagger +1 Weapon (Finesse, Stealthy) Uncommon 500 GP 4 lb.
Boot Dagger +2 Weapon (Finesse, Stealthy) Rare 3,500 GP 4 lb.
Boot Dagger +3 Weapon (Finesse, Stealthy) Very Rare 8,000 GP 4 lb.
Boots of Elvenkind Clothing Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Boots of Levitation Clothing Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Boots of Speed Clothing Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Boots of Striding and Springing Clothing Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Boots of the Winterlands Clothing Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Borrower’s Bookmark Miscellaneous Common 40 GP 0 lb.
Bottle of Fizz Consumable Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Bottle, Glass Container Mundane 2 GP 2 lb.
Bowl of Commanding Water Elementals Miscellaneous Rare 3,000 GP 3 lb.
Box of Bees Miscellaneous Uncommon 110 GP 0 lb.
Box of Party Tricks Consumable Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Bracers of Archery Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Bracers of Defense Jewelry Rare 2,000 GP 0 lb.
Brass Knuckles Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Mundane 4 GP 0 lb.
Brass Knuckles +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Brass Knuckles +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Brass Knuckles +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Brazier of Commanding Fire Elementals Miscellaneous Rare 3,000 GP 5 lb.
Breastplate (Bone) Medium Armor (Flaw) Mundane 100 GP 10 lb.
Breastplate (Bone) +1 Medium Armor (Flaw) Uncommon 500 GP 10 lb.
Breastplate (Bone) +2 Medium Armor (Flaw) Rare 2,000 GP 10 lb.
Breastplate (Bone) +3 Medium Armor (Flaw) Very Rare 8,000 GP 10 lb.
Breastplate (Bronze) Medium Armor (Weighty) Mundane 300 GP 35 lb.
Breastplate (Bronze) +1 Medium Armor (Weighty) Uncommon 500 GP 35 lb.
Breastplate (Bronze) +2 Medium Armor (Weighty) Rare 2,000 GP 35 lb.
Breastplate (Bronze) +3 Medium Armor (Weighty) Very Rare 8,000 GP 35 lb.
Breastplate (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 400 GP 20 lb.
Breastplate (Steel) +1 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Uncommon 500 GP 20 lb.
Breastplate (Steel) +2 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 2,000 GP 20 lb.
Breastplate (Steel) +3 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 8,000 GP 20 lb.
Breastplate Barding (Bone) Medium Armor (Flaw) Mundane 400 GP 20 lb.
Breastplate Barding (Bronze) Medium Armor (Weighty) Mundane 1,200 GP 70 lb.
Breastplate Barding (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 1,600 GP 40 lb.
Brewer's Supplies Tool Mundane 20 GP 9 lb.
Brigand's Set (Fighter) Container Mundane 114 GP 0 lb.
Brigandine, Cloth Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw, Underarmor) Mundane 5 GP 7 lb.
Brigandine, Cloth +1 Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw, Underarmor) Uncommon 150 GP 7 lb.
Brigandine, Cloth +2 Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw, Underarmor) Uncommon 500 GP 7 lb.
Brigandine, Cloth +3 Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw, Underarmor) Rare 2,200 GP 7 lb.
Brigandine, Cloth Barding Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw, Underarmor) Mundane 20 GP 14 lb.
Brigandine, Leather Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Mundane 20 GP 10 lb.
Brigandine, Leather +1 Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Uncommon 400 GP 10 lb.
Brigandine, Leather +2 Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Rare 2,200 GP 10 lb.
Brigandine, Leather +3 Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Very Rare 8,000 GP 10 lb.
Brigandine, Leather Barding Medium Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Mundane 80 GP 20 lb.
Brooch of Shielding Jewelry Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Broom of Flying Miscellaneous Rare 2,500 GP 3 lb.
Bubble Wand Miscellaneous Uncommon 120 GP 0 lb.
Bucket Container Mundane 5 CP 2 lb.
Burglar's Pack Container Mundane 16 GP 0 lb.
Burnt Othur Fumes Consumable Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Butterfly Sword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Dual-Wielding) Mundane 20 GP 2 lb.
Butterfly Sword +1 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Dual-Wielding) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Butterfly Sword +2 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Dual-Wielding) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Butterfly Sword +3 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Cage ( Huge) Miscellaneous Mundane 120 GP 500 lb.
Cage (Large) Miscellaneous Mundane 20 GP 100 lb.
Cage (Medium) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 25 lb.
Cage of Folly Miscellaneous Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Calligrapher's Supplies Tool Mundane 10 GP 5 lb.
Caltrops (Bag of 20) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 2 lb.
Candle Miscellaneous Mundane 1 CP 0 lb.
Candle of Invocation Miscellaneous Very Rare 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Candle of the Surreptitious Scholar Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Cane of Chaos Weapon (Simple, Parrying, Two-Handed, Dual-Wielding) Artifact Varies 4 lb.
Cantrip Wand Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Cape of the Mountebank Miscellaneous Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Carbine Weapon (Range, Loading, Two-Handed) Mundane 150 GP 5 lb.
Carbine +1 Weapon (Range, Loading, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Carbine +2 Weapon (Range, Loading, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Carbine +3 Weapon (Range, Loading, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Carnelian Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Carpenter's Tools Tool Mundane 8 GP 6 lb.
Carpet of Flying (Huge) Miscellaneous Very Rare 30,000 GP 0 lb.
Carpet of Flying (Large) Miscellaneous Very Rare 25,000 GP 0 lb.
Carpet of Flying (Medium) Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Carpet of Flying (Small) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Cartographer’s Tools Tool Mundane 15 GP 6 lb.
Casaba Tool Mundane 2 GP 1 lb.
Case, Crossbow Bolt Container Mundane 1 GP 1 lb.
Case, Map or Scroll Container Mundane 1 GP 1 lb.
Castanet Tool Mundane 2 GP 1 lb.
Celestial Aegis Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 17,500 GP 55 lb.
Censer Miscellaneous Mundane 15 GP 2 lb.
Censer of Controlling Air Elementals Miscellaneous Rare 3,000 GP 2 lb.
Chain (10 Feet) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 10 lb.
Chain Shirt (Mithral) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Mundane 150 GP 8 lb.
Chain Shirt (Mithral) +1 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Uncommon 150 GP 8 lb.
Chain Shirt (Mithral) +2 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Uncommon 500 GP 8 lb.
Chain Shirt (Mithral) +3 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Rare 2,000 GP 8 lb.
Chain Shirt (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 50 GP 15 lb.
Chain Shirt (Steel) +1 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Uncommon 150 GP 15 lb.
Chain Shirt (Steel) +2 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Uncommon 500 GP 15 lb.
Chain Shirt (Steel) +3 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 2,000 GP 15 lb.
Chain Shirt Barding (Mithral) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Mundane 600 GP 16 lb.
Chain Shirt Barding (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 200 GP 30 lb.
Chakram Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 2 GP 6 lb.
Chakram +1 Weapon (Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Chakram +2 Weapon (Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 6 lb.
Chakram +3 Weapon (Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 6 lb.
Chalk (1 Piece) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 CP 0 lb.
Charcoal Stick of Aversion Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Chest Container Mundane 5 GP 25 lb.
Chime of Opening Tool Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Chuul Ichor Consumable Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Cipher Sword Weapon (Two-Handed, Heavy) Very Rare 18,750 GP 0 lb.
Circlet of Blasting Jewelry Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Circlet of the Apprentice Jewelry Rare 2,200 GP 0 lb.
Citrine Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Claymore Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Mundane 50 GP 7 lb.
Claymore +1 Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 7 lb.
Claymore +2 Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 7 lb.
Claymore +3 Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 7 lb.
Cleric Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Cleric Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Cleric Tier 3 Starting Gear (Mace of Disruption) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Cleric Tier 3 Starting Gear (Mace of Smiting) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Cleric Tier 3 Starting Gear (Staff of Healing) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Cleric Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Climbing Gear Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 12 lb.
Cloak of Arachnida Miscellaneous Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Cloak of Displacement Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Cloak of Elvenkind Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Cloak of Protection Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Cloak of the Bat Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Cloak of the Devouring King Clothing Artifact - 0 lb.
Cloak of the Manta Ray Miscellaneous Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Cloak of the Shadowcaster Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Clock of Opening Miscellaneous Rare 3,000 GP 250 lb.
Clockwork Calendar Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Cloth, Padded Light Armor (Flaw, Comfortable, Underarmor) Mundane 5 GP 6 lb.
Cloth, Padded +1 Light Armor (Flaw, Comfortable, Underarmor) Common 65 GP 6 lb.
Cloth, Padded +2 Light Armor (Flaw, Comfortable, Underarmor) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Cloth, Padded +3 Light Armor (Flaw, Comfortable, Underarmor) Rare 2,500 GP 6 lb.
Cloth, Padded Barding Light Armor (Flaw, Comfortable, Underarmor) Mundane 20 GP 12 lb.
Clothes (Common) Clothing Mundane 5 SP 3 lb.
Clothes (Costume) Clothing Mundane 5 GP 4 lb.
Clothes (Fine) Clothing Mundane 15 GP 6 lb.
Clothes (Traveler's) Clothing Mundane 2 GP 4 lb.
Club Weapon (Simple) Mundane 1 SP 2 lb.
Club +1 Weapon (Simple) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Club +2 Weapon (Simple) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Club +3 Weapon (Simple) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Cobbler's Tools Tool Mundane 5 GP 5 lb.
Cold Weather Gear Miscellaneous Mundane 15 GP 12 lb.
Compass Miscellaneous Mundane 60 GP 1 lb.
Compendium of Many Colors Miscellaneous Common 60 GP 0 lb.
Component Pouch Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 2 lb.
Composite Bow Weapon (Compounding, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Mundane 200 GP 2 lb.
Composite Bow +1 Weapon (Compounding, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Composite Bow +2 Weapon (Compounding, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Composite Bow +3 Weapon (Compounding, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Confidante’s Journal Miscellaneous Uncommon 145 GP 0 lb.
Contract of Indentured Service Miscellaneous Common 150 GP 0 lb.
Cook's Utensils Tool Mundane 1 GP 8 lb.
Coral Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Cord of Spirit Stealing Miscellaneous Rare 1,250 GP 0 lb.
Couatl Venom Consumable Rare 850 GP 0 lb.
Crafter's Codex Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Crossbow Bolts Ammunition Mundane 1 GP 0.075 lb.
Crossbow Bolts +1 Ammunition Uncommon 500 GP 0.075 lb.
Crossbow Bolts +2 Ammunition Rare 2,000 GP 0.075 lb.
Crossbow Bolts +3 Ammunition Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.075 lb.
Crossbow, Hand Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Loading, Range) Mundane 60 GP 3 lb.
Crossbow, Hand +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Loading, Range) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Crossbow, Hand +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Loading, Range) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Crossbow, Hand +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Loading, Range) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Crossbow, Heavy Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Mundane 100 GP 15 lb.
Crossbow, Heavy +1 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 15 lb.
Crossbow, Heavy +2 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 15 lb.
Crossbow, Heavy +3 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 15 lb.
Crossbow, Light Weapon (Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Mundane 45 GP 5 lb.
Crossbow, Light +1 Weapon (Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Crossbow, Light +2 Weapon (Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Crossbow, Light +3 Weapon (Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Crossbow, Ratcheting Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Mundane 125 GP 20 lb.
Crossbow, Ratcheting +1 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 20 lb.
Crossbow, Ratcheting +2 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 20 lb.
Crossbow, Ratcheting +3 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 20 lb.
Crowbar Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 5 lb.
Crown of the Crystal Sovereign Jewelry Artifact Varies 0 lb.
Crown of the Devouring King Jewelry Artifact - 0 lb.
Crystal Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 3 lb.
Crystal Ball Miscellaneous Very Rare 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Crystal Ball of Mind Reading Miscellaneous Legendary 150,000 GP 0 lb.
Crystal Ball of Telepathy Miscellaneous Legendary 150,000 GP 0 lb.
Crystal Ball of True Seeing Miscellaneous Legendary 150,000 GP 0 lb.
Cube of Force Miscellaneous Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Cubic Gate Miscellaneous Legendary 250,000 GP 0 lb.
Culdarath the Ninth Ring’s True Name Miscellaneous Common 70 GP 0 lb.
Cunning Tools Tool Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Curare (Vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Dagger Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Mundane 2 GP 1 lb.
Dagger +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Rare 3,500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Very Rare 8,000 GP 1 lb.
Dagger of Venom Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Rare 2,500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Dueling Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying) Mundane 6 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Dueling +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying) Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Dueling +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying) Rare 3,500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Dueling +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying) Very Rare 8,000 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Punching Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Mundane 4 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Punching +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Punching +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Rare 3,500 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Punching +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Very Rare 8,000 GP 1 lb.
Dagger, Throwing Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown) Mundane 3 GP 0 lb.
Dagger, Throwing +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Dagger, Throwing +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Dagger, Throwing +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Dancing Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Dancing Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 7 lb.
Dancing Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Dancing Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Dancing Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Dancing Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Dao Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Mundane 20 GP 3 lb.
Dao +1 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Dao +2 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Dao +3 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Dark Stone Ammunition Uncommon 100 GP 0.25 lb.
Dart Weapon (Range) Mundane 5 SP 0.25 lb.
Dart +1 Weapon (Range) Uncommon 500 GP 0.25 lb.
Dart +2 Weapon (Range) Rare 3,500 GP 0.25 lb.
Dart +3 Weapon (Range) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.25 lb.
Death’s Essence Pendant Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Decanter of Endless Water Miscellaneous Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Deck of Illusions Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Deck of Many Things Miscellaneous Legendary 100,000 GP 0 lb.
Deep Delver's Set (Ranger) Container Mundane 144 GP 0 lb.
Defender Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Legendary 60,000 GP 5 lb.
Defender Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Legendary 60,000 GP 7 lb.
Defender Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Legendary 60,000 GP 3 lb.
Defender Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Legendary 60,000 GP 3 lb.
Defender Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Legendary 60,000 GP 3 lb.
Defender Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Legendary 60,000 GP 2 lb.
Defensive Umbrella Weapon (Defensive (Light), Finesse) Rare 1,800 GP 1 lb.
Demolitions Pack Container Mundane 250 GP 0 lb.
Demon Armor Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 6,660 GP 55 lb.
Describing Gremlins Miscellaneous Uncommon 225 GP 0 lb.
Devil’s Eye Ring Jewelry Rare 1,500 GP 0 lb.
Diamond Miscellaneous Mundane 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Diamond (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Dice Set Tool Mundane 1 SP 0 lb.
Dimensional Shackles Miscellaneous Rare 2,000 GP 0 lb.
Diplomat's Pack Container Mundane 39 GP 0 lb.
Disguise Kit Tool Mundane 25 GP 3 lb.
Divine Warrior's Set (Herald) Container Mundane 200 GP 0 lb.
Doorbreaker Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 11 lb.
Draconic Diorama Miscellaneous Common 45 GP 0 lb.
Dragon Scale Mail Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 15,000 GP 35 lb.
Dragon Slayer Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 10,000 GP 5 lb.
Dragon Slayer Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 10,000 GP 7 lb.
Dragon Slayer Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 10,000 GP 3 lb.
Dragon Slayer Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Very Rare 10,000 GP 3 lb.
Dragon Slayer Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 10,000 GP 3 lb.
Dragon Slayer Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Very Rare 10,000 GP 2 lb.
Dragonslaying Lance Weapon (Defensive, Reach) Legendary 85,000 GP 6 lb.
Dread Caduceus Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Dreamscrying Bowl Miscellaneous Uncommon 100 GP 0 lb.
Dried Yewclaw Bark Consumable Mundane 5 GP 0 lb.
Druid Other Favourites Container Very Rare - 0 lb.
Druid Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Druid Tier 3 Starting Gear (Staff of the Web-Tender) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Druid Tier 3 Starting Gear (Staff of the Woodlands) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Druid Tier 3 Starting Gear (Staff of Withering) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Druid Tier 4 Starting Gear (Staff of Fire) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Druid Tier 4 Starting Gear (Staff of Frost) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Drum Tool Mundane 6 GP 3 lb.
Dulcimer Tool Mundane 25 GP 10 lb.
Dungeon Delver's Guide Miscellaneous Very Rare 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Dungeoneer's Pack Container Mundane 12 GP 0 lb.
Dungeoneer's Set (Adept) Container Mundane 18 GP 0 lb.
Dust of Disappearance Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Dust of Dryness Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Dust of Sneezing and Choking Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Dwarven Plate Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 20,000 GP 55 lb.
Dwarven Plate (Stone) Heavy Armor (Fortified, Weighty) Mundane 4,500 GP 110 lb.
Dwarven Plate (Stone) +1 Heavy Armor (Fortified, Weighty) Very Rare 24,000 GP 110 lb.
Dwarven Plate (Stone) +2 Heavy Armor (Fortified, Weighty) Legendary 96,000 GP 110 lb.
Dwarven Plate (Stone) +3 Heavy Armor (Fortified, Weighty) Legendary 150,000 GP 110 lb.
Dwarven Plate Barding (Stone) Heavy Armor (Fortified, Weighty) Mundane 18,000 GP 220 lb.
Dwarven Thrower Weapon (Versatile) Very Rare 18,000 GP 3 lb.
Earth Charm Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Echo Force Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Efficient Quiver Container Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Efreeti Bottle Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Elemental Gem (Corundum) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Elemental Gem (Diamond) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Elemental Gem (Emerald) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Elemental Gem (Sapphire) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Elemental Quiver (Diamond) Container Rare 1,000 GP 1 lb.
Elemental Quiver (Emerald) Container Rare 1,000 GP 1 lb.
Elemental Quiver (Ruby) Container Rare 1,000 GP 1 lb.
Elemental Quiver (Sapphire) Container Rare 1,000 GP 1 lb.
Elven Breastplate (Mithril) Medium Armor (High-Quality, Lightweight, Low-Maintenance) Mundane 1,200 GP 10 lb.
Elven Breastplate (Mithril) +1 Medium Armor (High-Quality, Lightweight, Low-Maintenance) Rare 1,300 GP 10 lb.
Elven Breastplate (Mithril) +2 Medium Armor (High-Quality, Lightweight, Low-Maintenance) Rare 2,800 GP 10 lb.
Elven Breastplate (Mithril) +3 Medium Armor (High-Quality, Lightweight, Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 8,800 GP 10 lb.
Elven Breastplate Barding (Mithril) Medium Armor (High-Quality, Lightweight, Low-Maintenance) Mundane 4,800 GP 20 lb.
Elven Chain (Shirt) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance, Comfortable) Rare 5,000 GP 10 lb.
Elven Plate (Mithral) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Mundane 4,500 GP 28 lb.
Elven Plate (Mithral) +1 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Very Rare 9,000 GP 28 lb.
Elven Plate (Mithral) +2 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Very Rare 27,000 GP 28 lb.
Elven Plate (Mithral) +3 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Legendary 99,000 GP 28 lb.
Elven Plate Barding (Mithral) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance, High-Quality, Lightweight) Mundane 18,000 GP 56 lb.
Emblem Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 0 lb.
Emerald Miscellaneous Mundane 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Emerald (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Emperor's Blade Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 9,000 GP 3 lb.
Enchanted Music Sheet Miscellaneous Common 55 GP 0 lb.
Entertainer's Pack Container Mundane 40 GP 0 lb.
Essay on Efficient Armor Management Miscellaneous Common 80 GP 5 lb.
Ether (flask) Miscellaneous Mundane 20 GP 1 lb.
Ever-Shifting Map Miscellaneous Uncommon 100 GP 0 lb.
Eversmoking Bottle Miscellaneous Uncommon 250 GP 2 lb.
Excalibur Weapon (Defensive) Legendary 150,000 GP 3 lb.
Excalibur’s Scabbard Clothing Legendary 55,000 GP 0 lb.
Exotic Saddle Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 25 lb.
Explorer's Pack Container Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Explorer's Set (Adept) Container Mundane 25 GP 0 lb.
Explorer’s Chalk Miscellaneous Common 95 GP 0 lb.
Explosive Ammunition Ammunition (Explosive) Common 80 GP 5 lb.
Explosive Arrows Ammunition (Explosive) Common 80 GP 0.125 lb.
Explosive Arrows +1 Ammunition (Explosive) Uncommon 500 GP 0.125 lb.
Explosive Arrows +2 Ammunition (Explosive) Rare 2,000 GP 0.125 lb.
Explosive Arrows +3 Ammunition (Explosive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.125 lb.
Eye of Elsewhere Miscellaneous Legendary 55,000 GP 0 lb.
Eyepatch Clothing Mundane 2 SP 0 lb.
Eyes of Charming Jewelry Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Eyes of Minute Seeing Jewelry Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Eyes of the Eagle Jewelry Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Faerie Love Letter Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Fairy Cap Consumable Mundane 5 GP 0 lb.
Family Scrapbook Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Fathomer’s Ring Jewelry Common 85 GP 0 lb.
Feather Token Miscellaneous Rare Varies 0 lb.
Feather Token (Anchor) Miscellaneous Rare 550 GP 0 lb.
Feather Token (Bird) Miscellaneous Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Feather Token (Boat) Miscellaneous Rare 850 GP 0 lb.
Feather Token (Fan) Miscellaneous Rare 550 GP 0 lb.
Feather Token (Tree) Miscellaneous Rare 550 GP 0 lb.
Feather Token (Whip) Miscellaneous Rare 700 GP 0 lb.
Fellow Candlestick Miscellaneous Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Fighter Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Fighter Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Common 700 GP 0 lb.
Fighter Tier 3 Starting Gear (+1 Heavy Shield) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Fighter Tier 3 Starting Gear (Helm of Telepathy) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Fighter Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Figurine of Shared Affliction Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Bronze Griffon) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ebony Fly) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Golden Lions) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ivory Goats) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Marble Elephant) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Obsidian Steed) Miscellaneous Very Rare 10,000 GP 1 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Onyx Dog) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Serpentine Owl) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Silver Raven) Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Finder Gremlin Miscellaneous Common 20 GP 0 lb.
Fire Charm Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Firearm Bullets Ammunition Mundane 10 GP 0.15 lb.
Firearm Bullets +1 Ammunition Uncommon 500 GP 0.15 lb.
Firearm Bullets +2 Ammunition Rare 2,000 GP 0.15 lb.
Firearm Bullets +3 Ammunition Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.15 lb.
Fireroots Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Fishing Tackle Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 4 lb.
Fishing Trap Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 10 lb.
Fizzy Lifter Consumable Common 85 GP 0 lb.
Fizzy Rocks Consumable Common 95 GP 0 lb.
Flail Weapon (Parrying Immunity, Trip) Mundane 20 GP 3 lb.
Flail +1 Weapon (Trip, Parrying Immunity) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Flail +2 Weapon (Parrying Immunity, Trip) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Flail +3 Weapon (Parrying Immunity, Trip) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Flame Tongue (Bastard Sword) Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 5,000 GP 5 lb.
Flame Tongue (Greatsword) Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 7 lb.
Flame Tongue (Longsword) Weapon (Defensive) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Flame Tongue (Rapier) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Flame Tongue (Saber) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Flame Tongue (Scimitar) Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Flame Tongue (Shortsword) Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Flame Tongue (Sword Pistol) Weapon (Finesse, Range, Loading) Rare 5,000 GP 5 lb.
Flaming Ammunition Ammunition (Flaming) Common 60 GP 5 lb.
Flaming Arrows Ammunition (Flaming) Common 60 GP 0.125 lb.
Flaming Arrows +1 Ammunition (Flaming) Uncommon 500 GP 0.125 lb.
Flaming Arrows +2 Ammunition (Flaming) Rare 2,000 GP 0.125 lb.
Flaming Arrows +3 Ammunition (Flaming) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.125 lb.
Flash bomb Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 50 GP 3 lb.
Flask Container Mundane 2 CP 1 lb.
Flask of Inebriation Container Common 90 GP 1 lb.
Flask or tankard Container Mundane 2 CP 1 lb.
Flicker Dagger (Boot Dagger) Weapon (Finesse, Stealthy) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Flicker Dagger (Dagger, Dueling) Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying) Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Flicker Dagger (Dagger, Punching) Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Flicker Dagger (Dagger, Throwing) Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown) Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Flicker Dagger (Dagger) Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Rare 5,000 GP 1 lb.
Flower Blossom Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Flute Tool Mundane 2 GP 1 lb.
Focus Tattoo Miscellaneous Mundane 75 GP 0 lb.
Focusing Eye Jewelry Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Folding Boat Tool Rare 4,500 GP 4 lb.
Folding Glider Miscellaneous Mundane 40 GP 30 lb.
Forager's Set (Druid) Container Mundane 98 GP 0 lb.
Forgery Kit Tool Mundane 15 GP 5 lb.
Friendly Joybuzzer Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Frost Brand (Bastard Sword) Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Frost Brand (Greatsword) Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 7 lb.
Frost Brand (Longsword) Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Frost Brand (Rapier) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Frost Brand (Saber) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Frost Brand (Scimitar) Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Frost Brand (Shortsword) Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Frost Brand (Sword Pistol) Weapon (Finesse, Loading, Range) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Frost Giant’s Plate Heavy Armor Very Rare 15,600 GP 5 lb.
Full Plate (Steel) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 1,500 GP 55 lb.
Full Plate (Steel) +1 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 6,000 GP 55 lb.
Full Plate (Steel) +2 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 24,000 GP 55 lb.
Full Plate (Steel) +3 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Legendary 96,000 GP 55 lb.
Full Plate Barding (Steel) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 6,000 GP 110 lb.
Gallow Hand Miscellaneous Uncommon 110 GP 1 lb.
Garnet Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Garnet (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Garrote Weapon (Two-Handed) Mundane 3 SP 0 lb.
Gauntlets of Ogre Power Clothing Uncommon 400 GP 8 lb.
Gauntlets of Summer Clothing Rare 2,500 GP 7 lb.
Geared Slingshot Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Mundane 110 GP 25 lb.
Geared Slingshot +1 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 25 lb.
Geared Slingshot +2 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 25 lb.
Geared Slingshot +3 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 25 lb.
Gem of Brightness Consumable Rare 900 GP 0 lb.
Gem of Seeing Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Ghost Metal Battleaxe Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Very Rare 18,500 GP 0 lb.
Ghost Metal Greataxe Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Breaker (wood)) Very Rare 18,500 GP 0 lb.
Ghost Metal Handaxe Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Breaker (wood)) Very Rare 18,500 GP 0 lb.
Giant Slayer Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 5,000 GP 5 lb.
Giant Slayer Battleaxe Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Rare 5,000 GP 6 lb.
Giant Slayer Greataxe Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Breaker (wood)) Rare 5,000 GP 9 lb.
Giant Slayer Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 7 lb.
Giant Slayer Handaxe Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Breaker (wood)) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Giant Slayer Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Giant Slayer Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Giant Slayer Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Giant Slayer Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Glaive Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed) Mundane 12 GP 5 lb.
Glaive +1 Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Glaive +2 Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Glaive +3 Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Glamoured Padded Leather Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Uncommon 500 GP 8 lb.
Glass Ring Jewelry Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Glassblower's Tools Tool Mundane 30 GP 5 lb.
Glasses of Rodentius Clothing Uncommon 130 GP 0 lb.
Gloam Bread Consumable Common 45 GP 0 lb.
Glory’s Glaive Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed) Uncommon 400 GP 5 lb.
Glove of Swift Return Clothing Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Gloves of Missile Snaring Clothing Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Clothing Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Goblin Mask Clothing Very Rare 12,750 GP 1 lb.
Goggles of Night Clothing Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Gong of Alarm Tool Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Gossip Earring Jewelry Uncommon 105 GP 0 lb.
Grappling Gun Weapon Very Rare 25,000 GP 9 lb.
Grappling Hook Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 4 lb.
Greataxe Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Breaker (wood)) Mundane 30 GP 9 lb.
Greataxe +1 Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Breaker (wood)) Uncommon 500 GP 9 lb.
Greataxe +2 Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Breaker (wood)) Rare 3,500 GP 9 lb.
Greataxe +3 Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Breaker (wood)) Very Rare 8,000 GP 9 lb.
Greatclub Weapon (Versatile, Simple) Mundane 5 SP 10 lb.
Greatclub +1 Weapon (Versatile, Simple) Uncommon 500 GP 10 lb.
Greatclub +2 Weapon (Versatile, Simple) Rare 3,500 GP 10 lb.
Greatclub +3 Weapon (Versatile, Simple) Very Rare 8,000 GP 10 lb.
Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Mundane 50 GP 7 lb.
Greatsword +1 Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 7 lb.
Greatsword +2 Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 7 lb.
Greatsword +3 Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 7 lb.
Green Dragon Breath Consumable Rare 1,650 GP 0 lb.
Green Scale Shield (Heavy) Heavy Shield Uncommon 200 GP 20 lb.
Green Scale Shield (Light) Light Shield Uncommon 200 GP 4 lb.
Green Scale Shield (Medium) Medium Shield Uncommon 200 GP 8 lb.
Green Scale Shield (Tower) Tower Shield Uncommon 200 GP 25 lb.
Gremlin Translator Jewelry Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Grimoire Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 5 lb.
Guard's Set (Fighter) Container Mundane 108 GP 0 lb.
Guide to Respecting Social Mores Miscellaneous Uncommon 450 GP 2 lb.
Halberd Weapon (Heavy, Reach, Trip, Two-Handed) Mundane 25 GP 7 lb.
Halberd +1 Weapon (Heavy, Reach, Trip, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 7 lb.
Halberd +2 Weapon (Heavy, Reach, Trip, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 7 lb.
Halberd +3 Weapon (Heavy, Reach, Trip, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 7 lb.
Half-Plate (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 750 GP 40 lb.
Half-Plate (Steel) +1 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 2,000 GP 40 lb.
Half-Plate (Steel) +2 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 8,000 GP 40 lb.
Half-Plate (Steel) +3 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 32,000 GP 40 lb.
Half-Plate Barding (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 3,000 GP 80 lb.
Hammer Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 3 lb.
Hammer of Thunderbolts Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Legendary 60,000 GP 11 lb.
Handaxe Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Breaker (wood)) Mundane 5 GP 2 lb.
Handaxe +1 Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Breaker (wood)) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Handaxe +2 Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Breaker (wood)) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Handaxe +3 Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Breaker (wood)) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Handy Haversack Container Rare 1,250 GP 5 lb.
Hard Candy (Poor) Consumable Mundane 1 CP 0 lb.
Hard Candy (Rich) Consumable Mundane 2 CP 0 lb.
Harp Tool Mundane 35 GP 25 lb.
Harpoon Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 5 SP 2 lb.
Harpoon +1 Weapon (Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Harpoon +2 Weapon (Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Harpoon +3 Weapon (Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Harvest Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Simple) Legendary 60,000 GP 2 lb.
Hat of Disguise Clothing Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Hat of Grand Entrances Clothing Common 35 GP 0 lb.
Hauberk (Steel) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 150 GP 20 lb.
Hauberk (Steel) +1 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Uncommon 450 GP 20 lb.
Hauberk (Steel) +2 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 1,500 GP 20 lb.
Hauberk (Steel) +3 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 6,000 GP 20 lb.
Hauberk Barding (Steel) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 600 GP 40 lb.
Headband of Intellect Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Healer's Satchel Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 3 lb.
Healing Potion (Basic) Consumable Common 50 GP 0.5 lb.
Healing Potion (Greater) Consumable Uncommon 150 GP 0.5 lb.
Healing Potion (Superior) Consumable Rare 550 GP 0.25 lb.
Healing Potion (Supreme) Consumable Rare 1,500 GP 0.25 lb.
Helm Helm Mundane 12 GP 4 lb.
Helm of Brilliance Helm Very Rare 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Helm of Comprehending Languages Helm Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Helm of Telepathy Helm Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Helm of Teleportation Helm Very Rare 48,000 GP 0 lb.
Helm, Visored Helm Mundane 25 GP 8 lb.
Herald Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Herald Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Common 700 GP 0 lb.
Herald Tier 3 Starting Gear Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Herald Tier 4 Starting Gear (Celestial Aegis) Container Very Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Herald Tier 4 Starting Gear (Infernal Carapace) Container Very Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Herbalism Kit Tool Mundane 5 GP 3 lb.
Heretical Scholar's Pack (Warlock) Container Mundane 73 GP 0 lb.
Hermit's Set (Druid) Container Mundane 107 GP 0 lb.
Hide Armor Medium Armor (Wild, Comfortable) Mundane 10 GP 15 lb.
Hide Armor +1 Medium Armor (Wild, Comfortable) Uncommon 150 GP 15 lb.
Hide Armor +2 Medium Armor (Wild, Comfortable) Uncommon 500 GP 15 lb.
Hide Armor +3 Medium Armor (Wild, Comfortable) Rare 2,000 GP 15 lb.
Hide Armor Barding Medium Armor (Wild, Comfortable) Mundane 40 GP 30 lb.
Holy Avenger Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Legendary 100,000 GP 5 lb.
Holy Avenger Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Legendary 100,000 GP 7 lb.
Holy Avenger Longsword Weapon (Defensive (Medium)) Legendary 100,000 GP 3 lb.
Holy Avenger Rapier Weapon (Finesse, Defensive (Light), Defensive) Legendary 100,000 GP 2 lb.
Holy Avenger Saber Weapon (Finesse, Mounted, Defensive (Light), Defensive) Legendary 100,000 GP 3 lb.
Holy Avenger Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Dual-Wielding, Defensive (Light)) Legendary 100,000 GP 3 lb.
Holy Avenger Shortsword Weapon (Parrying, Finesse, Defensive (Medium)) Legendary 100,000 GP 2 lb.
Holy Symbol Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Holy Warrior's Set (Cleric) Container Mundane 122 GP 0 lb.
Holy Water (Flask) Miscellaneous (Thrown) Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
Hook Hand Miscellaneous Mundane 15 GP 1 lb.
Hooked Hammer Weapon (Versatile, Trip) Mundane 15 GP 3 lb.
Hooked Hammer +1 Weapon (Versatile, Trip) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Hooked Hammer +2 Weapon (Versatile, Trip) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Hooked Hammer +3 Weapon (Versatile, Trip) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Hopeful Slippers Clothing Very Rare 10,400 GP 0 lb.
Horn Tool Mundane 3 GP 2 lb.
Horn of Blasting Miscellaneous Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Horn of Valhalla (Brass) Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Horn of Valhalla (Bronze) Miscellaneous Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Horn of Valhalla (Iron) Miscellaneous Legendary 75,000 GP 0 lb.
Horn of Valhalla (Silver) Miscellaneous Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Horseshoes of a Zephyr Miscellaneous Very Rare 17,000 GP 0 lb.
Horseshoes of Speed Miscellaneous Rare 4,500 GP 0 lb.
Hourglass Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
How to Make Fiends and Influence People Miscellaneous Legendary 60,000 GP 0 lb.
Humour Realignment Transfiguration Miscellaneous Common 30 GP 0 lb.
Hungry Quasit Miscellaneous Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Hunter's Quiver Container Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Hunting Snare Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 5 lb.
Hunting Trap Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 25 lb.
Ice Riders Clothing Uncommon 260 GP 0 lb.
Idol of Light Miscellaneous Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Immovable Rod Miscellaneous Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Impossible Cube Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Incense (Block) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 1 lb.
Inconspicuous Civilian's Set (Warlock) Container Mundane 61 GP 0 lb.
Infernal Carapace Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 17,500 GP 0 lb.
Ink (1 ounce Bottle) Consumable Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Ink Pen Miscellaneous Mundane 2 CP 0 lb.
Inkpot of the Thrifty Apprentice Miscellaneous Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Inspiring Pahu Tool Uncommon 140 GP 0 lb.
Instant Fortress Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Instrument of Irresistible Symphonies Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Absorption) Miscellaneous Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Agility) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Awareness) Miscellaneous Rare 600 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Fortitude) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Greater Absorption) Miscellaneous Legendary 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Insight) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Intellect) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Leadership) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Mastery) Miscellaneous Legendary 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Protection) Miscellaneous Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Regeneration) Miscellaneous Legendary 25,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Reserve) Miscellaneous Rare 600 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Strength) Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Ioun Stones (Sustenance) Miscellaneous Very Rare 525 GP 0 lb.
Iron Bands of Binding Miscellaneous Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Iron Flask Miscellaneous Legendary 50,000 GP 0 lb.
Ironweed Rope Miscellaneous Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Ironwood Acorn Consumable Mundane 5 GP 0 lb.
Ivory Knights Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Jacinth Miscellaneous Mundane 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Jade Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Jade Tiger Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Jar of Leeches Consumable Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
Jarred Brain Miscellaneous Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Jasper Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Javelin Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 5 SP 2 lb.
Javelin +1 Weapon (Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Javelin +2 Weapon (Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Javelin +3 Weapon (Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Javelin of Lightning Weapon (Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Jet Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Jeweler's Tools Tool Mundane 25 GP 2 lb.
Jug Container Mundane 2 CP 4 lb.
Katana Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Mundane 60 GP 5 lb.
Katana +1 Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Katana +2 Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Katana +3 Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Khopesh Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Mundane 1 GP 3 lb.
Khopesh +1 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Khopesh +2 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Khopesh +3 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Kusarigama Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Two-Handed) Mundane 10 GP 5 lb.
Kusarigama +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Kusarigama +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Kusarigama +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Labrys Weapon (Versatile) Mundane 10 GP 6 lb.
Labrys +1 Weapon (Versatile) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Labrys +2 Weapon (Versatile) Rare 3,500 GP 6 lb.
Labrys +3 Weapon (Versatile) Very Rare 8,000 GP 6 lb.
Ladder (10 foot) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 SP 25 lb.
Lance Weapon (Defensive, Reach) Mundane 10 GP 6 lb.
Lance +1 Weapon (Defensive, Reach) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Lance +2 Weapon (Defensive, Reach) Rare 3,500 GP 6 lb.
Lance +3 Weapon (Defensive, Reach) Very Rare 8,000 GP 6 lb.
Lantern (bullseye) Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 2 lb.
Lantern (hooded) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 2 lb.
Lantern (standard) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 SP 1 lb.
Lantern of Revealing Tool Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Lapis Lazuli Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Laudanum Consumable Mundane 35 GP 0.25 lb.
Lavender Paste Consumable Mundane 10 GP 0.5 lb.
Leather, Padded Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Mundane 15 GP 8 lb.
Leather, Padded +1 Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Uncommon 400 GP 8 lb.
Leather, Padded +2 Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Rare 2,500 GP 8 lb.
Leather, Padded +3 Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Very Rare 10,000 GP 8 lb.
Leather, Padded Barding Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Mundane 60 GP 16 lb.
Leatherworker's Tools Tool Mundane 5 GP 5 lb.
Legerdemain Gloves Clothing Common 95 GP 0 lb.
Library Scarf Clothing Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Light Hammer Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Thrown) Mundane 2 GP 2 lb.
Light Hammer +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Light Hammer +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Light Hammer +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Light Traveler's Set (Sorcerer) Container Mundane 37 GP 0 lb.
Liquid Luck Consumable Legendary 55,000 GP 0 lb.
Listening Quills Tool Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Lock Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 1 lb.
Lockpicks of Memory Tool Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Locksmith's Package (Artificer) Container Mundane 160 GP 0 lb.
Long Fang of the Moon Weapon (Defensive) Legendary 55,000 GP 3 lb.
Longbow Weapon (Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Mundane 50 GP 2 lb.
Longbow +1 Weapon (Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Longbow +2 Weapon (Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Longbow +3 Weapon (Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Mundane 20 GP 3 lb.
Longsword +1 Weapon (Defensive) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Longsword +2 Weapon (Defensive) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Longsword +3 Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Luck blade Weapon (Defensive) Legendary 150,000 GP 3 lb.
Lucky Halfling Foot Miscellaneous Uncommon 115 GP 0 lb.
Luminescent Gum Consumable Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Lute Tool Mundane 35 GP 2 lb.
Lyre Tool Mundane 30 GP 2 lb.
Mace Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Mundane 5 GP 4 lb.
Mace +1 Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Uncommon 500 GP 4 lb.
Mace +2 Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Rare 3,500 GP 4 lb.
Mace +3 Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Very Rare 8,000 GP 4 lb.
Mace of Disruption Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Mace of Smiting Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Mace of Terror Weapon (Defensive, Simple) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Machahuitl Weapon (Defensive) Mundane 30 GP 3 lb.
Machahuitl +1 Weapon (Defensive) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Machahuitl +2 Weapon (Defensive) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Machahuitl +3 Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Madam Yolanda’s Prison Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Mage Scholar's Set (Wizard) Container Mundane 89 GP 0 lb.
Magewrist Flower Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Magic Mirror (Handheld) Miscellaneous Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Magic Mirror (Pocket) Miscellaneous Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Magic Mirror (Wall) Miscellaneous Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Magnifying Glass Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 0 lb.
Main-Gauche Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Thrown) Mundane 4 GP 1 lb.
Main-Gauche +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Main-Gauche +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 1 lb.
Main-Gauche +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 1 lb.
Malachite Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Manacles Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 6 lb.
Mantle of Spell Resistance Clothing Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Manual of Bodily Health Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Manual of Gainful Exercise Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Manual of Guardians Miscellaneous Very Rare 16,000 GP 0 lb.
Manual of Quickness of Action Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Map (Distant) Miscellaneous Mundane 75 GP 0 lb.
Map (Frontier) Miscellaneous Mundane 200 GP 0 lb.
Map (Local) Miscellaneous Mundane 20 GP 0 lb.
Maraca Tool Mundane 1 GP 1 lb.
Marble of Direction Miscellaneous Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Marksman's Set (Ranger) Container Mundane 107 GP 0 lb.
Marshal Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Marshal Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Common 700 GP 0 lb.
Marshal Tier 3 Starting Gear Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Marshal Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Marshland Gear Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 6 lb.
Marvelous Pigments Miscellaneous Very Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Mask of the White Stag Miscellaneous Rare 4,950 GP 0 lb.
Mason's Tools Tool Mundane 10 GP 8 lb.
Maternal Cameo Miscellaneous Common 90 GP 0 lb.
Maul Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Mundane 20 GP 11 lb.
Maul +1 Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 11 lb.
Maul +2 Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 11 lb.
Maul +3 Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 11 lb.
Medallion of Thoughts Jewelry Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Medicinal Salve Consumable Mundane 75 GP 0.5 lb.
Memory Leaf Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Merchant's Scale Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 3 lb.
Mercurial Maul Weapon (Two-Handed, Heavy) Mundane 150 GP 15 lb.
Mercurial Maul +1 Weapon (Two-Handed, Heavy) Uncommon 500 GP 15 lb.
Mercurial Maul +2 Weapon (Two-Handed, Heavy) Rare 3,500 GP 15 lb.
Mercurial Maul +3 Weapon (Two-Handed, Heavy) Very Rare 8,000 GP 15 lb.
Mess Tin Miscellaneous Mundane 2 SP 1 lb.
Message Stones Miscellaneous Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Message Whistle Miscellaneous Common 95 GP 0 lb.
Meteorological Map Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Midir's Trident Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted, Rebounding) Very Rare 20,000 GP 3 lb.
Midnight Pearls Jewelry Common 95 GP 0 lb.
Mindblade Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Very Rare 6,000 GP 1 lb.
Mindrazor Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Legendary 100,000 GP 1 lb.
Mirror of Life Trapping Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 50 lb.
Mirror Shield Shield Very Rare 50,000 GP 8 lb.
Mirror Shield (Heavy) Shield Very Rare 50,000 GP 8 lb.
Mirror Shield (Light) Shield Very Rare 50,000 GP 8 lb.
Mirror Shield (Medium) Shield Very Rare 50,000 GP 8 lb.
Mirror Shield (Tower) Shield Very Rare 50,000 GP 8 lb.
Mirror, Steel Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 1 lb.
Miscellaneous Tier 1 Items Container Rare - 0 lb.
Miscellaneous Tier 2 Items Container Rare - 0 lb.
Miscellaneous Tier 3 Items Container Very Rare - 0 lb.
Miscellaneous Tier 4 Items Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Moon Clovers Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Moonstone Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Morningstar Weapon (Defensive) Mundane 15 GP 4 lb.
Morningstar +1 Weapon (Defensive) Uncommon 500 GP 4 lb.
Morningstar +2 Weapon (Defensive) Rare 3,500 GP 4 lb.
Morningstar +3 Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 4 lb.
Mosquito Netting Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 1 lb.
Mourning Medallion Jewelry Uncommon 135 GP 0 lb.
Mug of Warming Tool Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Murderous Straight Razor Weapon (Simple, Finesse) Rare 3,500 GP 0.5 lb.
Musket Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Mundane 350 GP 10 lb.
Musket +1 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 10 lb.
Musket +2 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 10 lb.
Musket +3 Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 10 lb.
Naga Spit Consumable Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Navigator's Tools Tool Mundane 25 GP 2 lb.
Necklace of Adaptation Jewelry Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Necklace of Fireballs Jewelry Rare 1,050 GP 0 lb.
Necklace of Hunger Jewelry Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Necklace of Prayer Beads Jewelry Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Net Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 1 GP 2 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Weapon Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Bastard Sword Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 10,000 GP 5 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 10,000 GP 7 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 10,000 GP 3 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Rapier Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Very Rare 10,000 GP 2 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 10,000 GP 3 lb.
Nine Lives Stealer Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Very Rare 10,000 GP 2 lb.
Nine-Section Whip Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Mundane 15 GP 3 lb.
Nine-Section Whip +1 Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Nine-Section Whip +2 Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Nine-Section Whip +3 Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Ninjato Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Storage) Mundane 20 GP 2 lb.
Ninjato +1 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Storage) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Ninjato +2 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Storage) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Ninjato +3 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Storage) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Nunchaku Weapon (Simple, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Mundane 1 GP 2 lb.
Nunchaku +1 Weapon (Simple, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Nunchaku +2 Weapon (Simple, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Nunchaku +3 Weapon (Simple, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Oathbow Weapon (Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Very Rare 6,000 GP 2 lb.
Obsidian Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Obsidian Butterfly Knife Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Very Rare 11,000 GP 1 lb.
Ocarina Tool Mundane 3 GP 1 lb.
Oil of Cosmetic Enhancement Consumable Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Oil of Etherealness Consumable Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Oil of Sharpness Consumable Very Rare 5,500 GP 0 lb.
Oil of Slipperiness Consumable Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Oil of Taggit Consumable Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Oil, Flask Consumable Mundane 1 SP 1 lb.
Onyx Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Opal Miscellaneous Mundane 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Opal (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Opera-Goer’s Guise Miscellaneous Common 95 GP 0 lb.
Orb Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Orb of Chaotic Assault Consumable Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Orb of Dragonkind Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Orb of Elsewhere Miscellaneous Legendary 55,000 GP 0 lb.
Orb of the Devouring King Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Orb of the Dragon Breaker Consumable Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Organizer Gremlin Miscellaneous Common 90 GP 0 lb.
Osseous Plate Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 3,750 GP 20 lb.
Osseous Warhammer Weapon (Versatile) Rare 2,250 GP 3 lb.
Paint Pot Tool Mundane 1 GP 1 lb.
Painter's Supplies Tool Mundane 10 GP 5 lb.
Pale Tincture Consumable Rare 650 GP 0 lb.
Pan Flute Tool Mundane 12 GP 2 lb.
Paper, Sheet Miscellaneous Mundane 2 SP 0 lb.
Paramour’s Daisy Miscellaneous Uncommon 130 GP 0 lb.
Parasol Miscellaneous Mundane 8 SP 1 lb.
Parchment, Sheet Miscellaneous Mundane 1 SP 0 lb.
Pearl Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Pearl (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Pearl of Power Miscellaneous Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Perdita Ravenwing’s True Name Miscellaneous Common 90 GP 0 lb.
Perdita’s Abandon Consumable Rare 1,750 GP 0 lb.
Perfect Disguise Miscellaneous Uncommon 125 GP 0 lb.
Perfume (Vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 0 lb.
Perfume Vile Miscellaneous Uncommon 120 GP 0 lb.
Periapt of Health Jewelry Uncommon 350 GP 1 lb.
Periapt of Proof Against Poison Jewelry Rare 800 GP 0 lb.
Periapt of Wound Closure Jewelry Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Peridot Miscellaneous Mundane 500 GP 0 lb.
Peridot (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Philter of Love Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Pick, Miner's Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 10 lb.
Pike Weapon (Defensive, Heavy, Reach) Mundane 5 GP 13 lb.
Pike +1 Weapon (Defensive, Heavy, Reach) Uncommon 500 GP 13 lb.
Pike +2 Weapon (Defensive, Heavy, Reach) Rare 3,500 GP 13 lb.
Pike +3 Weapon (Defensive, Heavy, Reach) Very Rare 8,000 GP 13 lb.
Pipes of Haunting Tool Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Pipes of the Sewers Tool Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Pirate's Pack Container Mundane 70 GP 0 lb.
Pistol Weapon (Loading) Mundane 120 GP 3 lb.
Pistol +1 Weapon (Loading) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Pistol +2 Weapon (Loading) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Pistol +3 Weapon (Loading) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Pitcher Container Mundane 2 CP 4 lb.
Piton Miscellaneous Mundane 5 CP 1 lb.
Plague Doctor’s Mask Clothing Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Plate Armor of Etherealness Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Legendary 55,000 GP 55 lb.
Playing Card Set Tool Mundane 5 SP 0 lb.
Poison Breath Bottle Consumable Uncommon 75 GP 0 lb.
Poison, Advanced (Vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 0 lb.
Poison, Basic (Vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 0 lb.
Poison, Potent (Vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Poisoner's Kit Tool Mundane 50 GP 2 lb.
Poisoner’s Almanac Miscellaneous Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Pole (10-foot) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 CP 7 lb.
Portable Hole Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Portable Ram Miscellaneous Mundane 4 GP 35 lb.
Portraiture Gremlin Miscellaneous Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Pot, Iron Container Mundane 2 GP 10 lb.
Potion of Animal Friendship Consumable Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Clairvoyance Consumable Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Climbing Consumable Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Cloud Giant Strength Consumable Very Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Diminution Consumable Rare 550 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Fire Giant Strength Consumable Very Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Flying Consumable Very Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Frost Giant Strength Consumable Very Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Gaseous Form Consumable Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Growth Consumable Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Heroism Consumable Rare 550 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Hill Giant Strength Consumable Very Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Invisibility Consumable Very Rare 5,500 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Mind Reading Consumable Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Poison Consumable Uncommon 125 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Acid) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Cold) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Fire) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Force) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Lightning) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Necrotic) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Poison) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Psychic) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Radiant) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Resistance (Thunder) Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Speed Consumable Very Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Stone Giant Strength Consumable Very Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Storm Giant Strength Consumable Very Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Potion of Water Breathing Consumable Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Potter's Tools Tool Mundane 10 GP 3 lb.
Pouch Container Mundane 5 SP 1 lb.
Pouch of Emergency Healing Clothing Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Powdered Fiendhorn Consumable Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Prayer Beads Miscellaneous Mundane - 0 lb.
Prayer Book Miscellaneous Mundane - 0 lb.
Prayer Wheel Miscellaneous Mundane - 0 lb.
Preserved Imp’s Head Miscellaneous Common 35 GP 0 lb.
Pressed Spiderbulb Consumable Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Priest's Pack Container Mundane 19 GP 0 lb.
Prismatic Gown Clothing Common 90 GP 0 lb.
Prospector's Pick Weapon (BreakerStone, Breaker (stone)) Very Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Prosthetic (Arm/Hand) Miscellaneous Mundane 125 GP 4 lb.
Prosthetic (Leg/Foot) Miscellaneous Mundane 75 GP 8 lb.
Protean Needlepoint Tool Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Pseudodragon Poison Consumable Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Pumpkin Bomb Consumable Uncommon 570 GP 0 lb.
Punching Ammunition Ammunition (Punching) Common 100 GP 1 lb.
Punching Arrows Ammunition (Punching) Common 100 GP 0.25 lb.
Punching Arrows +1 Ammunition (Punching) Uncommon 500 GP 0.25 lb.
Punching Arrows +2 Ammunition (Punching) Rare 2,000 GP 0.25 lb.
Punching Arrows +3 Ammunition (Punching) Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.25 lb.
Purple Worm Poison Consumable Rare 2,000 GP 0 lb.
Quarterstaff Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Mundane 2 SP 4 lb.
Quarterstaff +1 Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 4 lb.
Quarterstaff +2 Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 4 lb.
Quarterstaff +3 Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 4 lb.
Quartz Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Quick Canoe Paddle Tool Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Quiver Container Mundane 1 GP 1 lb.
Quiver of the Hunt Miscellaneous Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Quiver of the Hunt (Rare) Miscellaneous Rare 2,000 GP 0 lb.
Raiment of the Devouring King Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Ranger Other Favourites Container Legendary Varies 0 lb.
Ranger Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Ranger Tier 3 Starting Gear Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Ranger Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Rapier Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Mundane 25 GP 2 lb.
Rapier +1 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Rapier +2 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Rapier +3 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Rations (1 Supply) Consumable Mundane 5 SP 2 lb.
Red Cloak of Riding Miscellaneous Very Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Reliquary Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 2 lb.
Restorative Ointment Consumable Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Revolver Weapon (Loading) Mundane 300 GP 3 lb.
Revolver +1 Weapon (Loading) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Revolver +2 Weapon (Loading) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Revolver +3 Weapon (Loading) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Righteous Combat Set (Cleric) Container Mundane 87 GP 0 lb.
Ring Blade Weapon (Thrown) Mundane 10 GP 6 lb.
Ring Blade +1 Weapon (Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Ring Blade +2 Weapon (Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 6 lb.
Ring Blade +3 Weapon (Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 6 lb.
Ring of Acid Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Animal Influence Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Battered Courage Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Cold Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Djinni Summoning Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Earth Elemental Command Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Elemental Air Command Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Elemental Command Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Evasion Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Feather Falling Jewelry Rare 1,500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Fire Elemental Command Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Fire Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Force Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Free Action Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Inspiration Storing Jewelry Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Invisibility Jewelry Legendary 70,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Jumping Jewelry Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Lightning Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Mind Shielding Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Necrotic Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Poison Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Protection Jewelry Rare 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Psychic Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Radiant Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Regeneration Jewelry Very Rare 35,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Shooting Stars Jewelry Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Spell Storing Jewelry Rare 4,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Spell Turning Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Swimming Jewelry Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Telekinesis Jewelry Very Rare 12,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of the Ram Jewelry Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Three Wishes Jewelry Legendary 200,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Thunder Resistance Jewelry Rare 750 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Warmth Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Water Elemental Command Jewelry Legendary 65,000 GP 0 lb.
Ring of Water Walking Jewelry Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Ring of X-Ray Vision Jewelry Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Robe of Eyes Clothing Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Robe of Scintillating Colors Clothing Very Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Robe of Stars Clothing Very Rare 25,000 GP 0 lb.
Robe of the Archmagi Clothing Legendary 70,000 GP 0 lb.
Robe of Useful Items Clothing Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Robes Clothing Mundane 1 GP 4 lb.
Rod Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 2 lb.
Rod of Absorption Miscellaneous Very Rare 30,000 GP 0 lb.
Rod of Alertness Miscellaneous Very Rare 15,000 GP 0 lb.
Rod of Entropy Weapon (Simple) Very Rare 15,000 GP 2 lb.
Rod of Lordly Might Weapon Legendary 80,000 GP 0 lb.
Rod of Rulership Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Rod of Security Miscellaneous Legendary 100,000 GP 0 lb.
Rogue Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Rogue Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Rogue Tier 3 Starting Gear Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Rogue Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Rope of Climbing Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Rope of Entanglement Miscellaneous Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Rope, Hempen (50 Feet) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 10 lb.
Rope, Silk (50 Feet) Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 5 lb.
Rose of the Enchantress Miscellaneous Rare 3,875 GP 0 lb.
Ruby Miscellaneous Mundane 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Ruby (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Rugged Explorer's Set (Berserker) Container Mundane 118 GP 0 lb.
Rungu Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Mundane 3 SP 2 lb.
Rungu +1 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Rungu +2 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Rungu +3 Weapon (Simple, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Mundane 30 GP 3 lb.
Saber +1 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Saber +2 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Saber +3 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Sack Container Mundane 1 CP 1 lb.
Sack of Sacks Miscellaneous Common 55 GP 0 lb.
Saddle Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 25 lb.
Saddlebag Container Mundane 4 GP 8 lb.
Saffron Lilies Consumable Mundane Varies 0 lb.
Sand Bag Miscellaneous Mundane 2 CP 1 lb.
Sapphire Miscellaneous Mundane 1,000 GP 0 lb.
Sapphire (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Satyr Boots Miscellaneous Uncommon 110 GP 0 lb.
Scale Mail (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 50 GP 35 lb.
Scale Mail (Steel) +1 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Uncommon 250 GP 35 lb.
Scale Mail (Steel) +2 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 2,000 GP 35 lb.
Scale Mail (Steel) +3 Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 8,000 GP 35 lb.
Scale Mail Barding (Steel) Medium Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 200 GP 70 lb.
Scarab of Protection Miscellaneous Legendary 80,000 GP 0 lb.
Scholar's Pack Container Mundane 40 GP 0 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Bastard Sword) "Razor's Edge" Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 2,500 GP 5 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Dueling Dagger) "Reflection of Mirror's Glint" Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying) Rare 2,500 GP 1 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Flail) "Bite of Tempered Iron" Weapon (Parrying Immunity, Trip) Rare 2,500 GP 3 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Glaive) "Wave of the Unending Wheel" Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed) Rare 2,500 GP 5 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Lance) "Spirited Steed's Striker" Weapon (Defensive, Reach) Rare 2,500 GP 6 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Longbow) "Bow of the Biting Zephyr" Weapon (Two-Handed, Range, Heavy) Rare 2,500 GP 2 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Longsword) "Blade of the Sanguine Knot" Weapon (Defensive) Rare 2,500 GP 3 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Maul) "Mattock of the Adamant Mountain" Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 2,500 GP 11 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Punching Dagger) "Paw of Tooth and Claw" Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Rare 2,500 GP 1 lb.
Schooled Weapon (Rapier) "Rapier of Mist and Shade" Weapon (Finesse, Defensive) Rare 2,500 GP 2 lb.
Scientists Package (Artificer) Container Mundane 173 GP 0 lb.
Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Mundane 20 GP 3 lb.
Scimitar +1 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Scimitar +2 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Scimitar +3 Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Scimitar of Speed Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Finesse) Very Rare 6,000 GP 3 lb.
Scout's Set (Fighter) Container Mundane 117 GP 0 lb.
Scrap of Forbidden Text Miscellaneous Common 20 GP 0 lb.
Scythe Weapon (Heavy, Parrying, Two-Handed) Mundane 1 GP 12 lb.
Scythe +1 Weapon (Heavy, Parrying, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 12 lb.
Scythe +2 Weapon (Heavy, Parrying, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 12 lb.
Scythe +3 Weapon (Heavy, Parrying, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 12 lb.
Sea Witch’s Amulet Jewelry Rare 3,150 GP 0 lb.
Seafarer’s Quill Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Sealing Wax Miscellaneous Mundane 5 SP 0 lb.
Second-Light Lantern Tool Uncommon 125 GP 2 lb.
Security Gremlin Miscellaneous Common 100 GP 0 lb.
Seeds of Necessity Consumable Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Serpent Venom Consumable Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Airborne) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Nautical) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Recon) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Serveros Slayer) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Specialized Weaponry - Discus Throwing Shield) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Specialized Weaponry - Extendable Metal Staff) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Specialized Weaponry - Shocking Net) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Serveros War Machine (Specialized Weaponry - Sonic War Hammer) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Seven-Sided Coin Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Sewing Kit Tool Mundane 2 GP 1 lb.
Shadow Poison Consumable Uncommon 200 GP 0 lb.
Shadowy Scoundrel's Set (Warlock) Container Mundane 103 GP 0 lb.
Shield of Missile Attraction (Heavy) Shield Rare 5,000 GP 20 lb.
Shield of Missile Attraction (Light) Shield Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Shield of Missile Attraction (Medium) Shield Rare 5,000 GP 8 lb.
Shield of Missile Attraction (Tower) Shield Rare 5,000 GP 25 lb.
Shield, Heavy Heavy Shield Mundane 35 GP 20 lb.
Shield, Heavy +1 Heavy Shield Rare 1,000 GP 20 lb.
Shield, Heavy +2 Heavy Shield Very Rare 7,000 GP 20 lb.
Shield, Heavy +3 Heavy Shield Very Rare 49,000 GP 20 lb.
Shield, Light Light Shield Mundane 10 GP 4 lb.
Shield, Light +1 Light Shield Rare 1,000 GP 4 lb.
Shield, Light +2 Light Shield Very Rare 7,000 GP 4 lb.
Shield, Light +3 Light Shield Very Rare 49,000 GP 4 lb.
Shield, Medium Medium Shield Mundane 20 GP 8 lb.
Shield, Medium +1 Medium Shield Rare 1,000 GP 8 lb.
Shield, Medium +2 Medium Shield Very Rare 7,000 GP 8 lb.
Shield, Medium +3 Medium Shield Very Rare 49,000 GP 8 lb.
Shield, Tower Tower Shield Mundane 75 GP 25 lb.
Shield, Tower +1 Tower Shield Rare 1,000 GP 25 lb.
Shield, Tower +2 Tower Shield Very Rare 7,000 GP 25 lb.
Shield, Tower +3 Tower Shield Very Rare 49,000 GP 25 lb.
Shortbow Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Mundane 25 GP 2 lb.
Shortbow +1 Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Shortbow +2 Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Shortbow +3 Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Mundane 10 GP 2 lb.
Shortsword +1 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Shortsword +2 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Shortsword +3 Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Shotgun Weapon (Loading) Mundane 150 GP 6 lb.
Shotgun +1 Weapon (Loading) Uncommon 500 GP 6 lb.
Shotgun +2 Weapon (Loading) Rare 3,500 GP 6 lb.
Shotgun +3 Weapon (Loading) Very Rare 8,000 GP 6 lb.
Shoulder Dragon Brooch Miscellaneous Common 90 GP 0 lb.
Shovel Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 5 lb.
Shuriken Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown, Quickdraw) Mundane 3 SP 0 lb.
Sickle Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Simple) Mundane 1 GP 2 lb.
Sickle +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Simple) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Sickle +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Simple) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Sickle +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Simple) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Signal Whistle Miscellaneous Mundane 5 CP 0 lb.
Signet ring Jewelry Mundane 5 GP 0 lb.
Sinner’s Ashes Consumable Common 35 GP 0 lb.
Skeleton Key Miscellaneous Uncommon 145 GP 0 lb.
Skirmisher's Set (Marshal) Container Mundane 193 GP 0 lb.
Skrivena Moc, Whispering Blade Weapon (Defensive) Legendary 80,000 GP 3 lb.
Skulker's Set (Rogue) Container Mundane 91 GP 0 lb.
Skull Liqueur Consumable Uncommon 370 GP 0 lb.
Sledgehammer Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 10 lb.
Sling Weapon (Range, Simple) Mundane 2 SP 0 lb.
Sling +1 Weapon (Range, Simple) Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Sling +2 Weapon (Range, Simple) Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Sling +3 Weapon (Range, Simple) Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Sling Bullets Ammunition Mundane 4 CP 0.075 lb.
Sling Bullets +1 Ammunition Uncommon 500 GP 0.075 lb.
Sling Bullets +2 Ammunition Rare 2,000 GP 0.075 lb.
Sling Bullets +3 Ammunition Very Rare 8,000 GP 0.075 lb.
Slingstaff Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed, Range) Mundane 1 GP 4 lb.
Slippers of Spider Climbing Clothing Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Smith's Tools Tool Mundane 20 GP 8 lb.
Smoke bomb Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 3 lb.
Snake-Eye Bones Miscellaneous Common 55 GP 0 lb.
Soap Miscellaneous Mundane 1 CP 0 lb.
Soft Candy (Poor) Consumable Mundane 4 CP 0 lb.
Soft Candy (Rich) Consumable Mundane 5 SP 0 lb.
Soldier's Set (Marshal) Container Mundane 111 GP 0 lb.
Sonic Staff Weapon (Simple, Parrying, Two-Handed) Very Rare 9,000 GP 4 lb.
Sorcerer Other Favourites Container Legendary 467,250 GP 0 lb.
Sorcerer Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Sorcerer Tier 3 Starting Gear Container Mundane 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Sorcerer Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Mundane 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Sovereign Glue Miscellaneous Legendary 85,000 GP 0 lb.
Spear Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive) Mundane 1 GP 3 lb.
Spear +1 Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Spear +2 Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Spear +3 Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Spectral Camera Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 15 lb.
Spell Scroll Consumable Varies 10 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Cantrip Consumable Common 10 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 1 Consumable Common 25 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 2 Consumable Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 3 Consumable Uncommon 175 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 4 Consumable Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 5 Consumable Rare 1,250 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 6 Consumable Rare 3,000 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 7 Consumable Very Rare 8,000 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 8 Consumable Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Spell Scroll, Level 9 Consumable Legendary 55,000 GP 0 lb.
Spellbook Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 3 lb.
Spellcasting Symphony (Defending Drum) Tool Rare 1,500 GP 3 lb.
Spellcasting Symphony (Flute of the Wind) Tool Very Rare 10,000 GP 1 lb.
Spellcasting Symphony (Harp of Harmony) Tool Uncommon 500 GP 25 lb.
Spellcasting Symphony (Lute of Legends) Tool Legendary 95,000 GP 2 lb.
Spellcasting Symphony (Triangle of Terror) Tool Rare 4,500 GP 1 lb.
Spellguard Shield (Heavy) Shield Very Rare 20,000 GP 20 lb.
Spellguard Shield (Light) Shield Very Rare 20,000 GP 4 lb.
Spellguard Shield (Medium) Shield Very Rare 20,000 GP 8 lb.
Spellguard Shield (Tower) Shield Very Rare 20,000 GP 25 lb.
Sphere of Annihilation Miscellaneous Legendary 100,000 GP 0 lb.
Spike, Iron Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 5 lb.
Spiked Chain Weapon (Heavy, Reach, Parrying Immunity, Two-Handed) Mundane 35 GP 20 lb.
Spiked Gauntlets Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Mundane 8 GP 0 lb.
Spikes, iron (10) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 5 lb.
Spindle of Spinning Miscellaneous Uncommon 300 GP 0 lb.
Spinel Miscellaneous Mundane 500 GP 0 lb.
Spirit Lantern Miscellaneous Rare 1,000 GP 1 lb.
Spirit-Trapping Camera Miscellaneous Rare 50,000 GP 15 lb.
Spiritual Protector's Set (Cleric) Container Mundane 90 GP 0 lb.
Splint (Steel) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 450 GP 30 lb.
Splint (Steel) +1 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Rare 1,500 GP 30 lb.
Splint (Steel) +2 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 6,000 GP 30 lb.
Splint (Steel) +3 Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Very Rare 24,000 GP 30 lb.
Splint Barding (Steel) Heavy Armor (Low-Maintenance) Mundane 1,800 GP 60 lb.
Spring-Heeled Boots Clothing Mundane 50 GP 10 lb.
Spyglass Miscellaneous Mundane 150 GP 1 lb.
Squire's Set (Fighter) Container Mundane 129 GP 0 lb.
Staff Weapon (Simple, Parrying, Two-Handed) Mundane 5 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Charming Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 4,500 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Fire Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 15,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Frost Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 15,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Gravity Bending Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Healing Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Power Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 50,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Squalor Weapon (Simple, Parrying, Two-Handed) Rare 2,500 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Striking Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 20,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Swarming Insects Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of the Magi Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Legendary 250,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of the Python Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 4 lb.
Staff of the Web-Tender Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of the Woodlands Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Thunder and Lightning Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Very Rare 12,000 GP 4 lb.
Staff of Withering Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 4 lb.
Star Heart Miscellaneous Legendary 76,000 GP 0 lb.
Steelsilk Mantle Clothing Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Stick Awl Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 1 lb.
Stone of Controlling Earth Elementals Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 5 lb.
Stone of Good Luck (Luckstone) Miscellaneous Uncommon 350 GP 0 lb.
Stonebow Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Mundane 25 GP 2 lb.
Stonebow +1 Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Stonebow +2 Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Stonebow +3 Weapon (Range, Two-Handed) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Straight Razor Weapon (Simple, Finesse) Mundane 2 GP 0.5 lb.
String (10 feet) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 SP 0 lb.
Striped Toadstool Consumable Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Subtle Mage Gloves Clothing Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Sun Blade Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Survivor's Set (Druid) Container Mundane 114 GP 0 lb.
Survivor’s Cloak Clothing Rare 3,000 GP 2 lb.
Swashbuckler's Set (Rogue) Container Mundane 92 GP 0 lb.
Sword Cane Weapon (Defensive (Medium), Simple, Stealthy, Defensive (Light), Finesse) Mundane 125 GP 6 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Bastard Sword) Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 2,000 GP 5 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Greatsword) Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 2,000 GP 7 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Longsword) Weapon (Defensive) Rare 2,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Rapier) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Rare 2,000 GP 2 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Saber) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Rare 2,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Scimitar) Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 2,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Life Stealing (Shortsword) Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Rare 2,000 GP 2 lb.
Sword of Sharpness (Bastard Sword) Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Very Rare 7,000 GP 5 lb.
Sword of Sharpness (Greatsword) Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Very Rare 7,000 GP 7 lb.
Sword of Sharpness (Longsword) Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 7,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Sharpness (Saber) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Very Rare 7,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Sharpness (Scimitar) Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Very Rare 7,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Sharpness (Shortsword) Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Very Rare 7,000 GP 2 lb.
Sword of the Serpent (Shortsword) Weapon (Parrying, Finesse, Defensive (Medium)) Rare 45,000 GP 2 lb.
Sword of Three Traditions Weapon (Defensive) Artifact Varies 3 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Bastard Sword) Weapon (Parrying, Versatile) Rare 5,000 GP 5 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Greatsword) Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Rare 5,000 GP 7 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Longsword) Weapon (Defensive) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Rapier) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Saber) Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Scimitar) Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Rare 5,000 GP 3 lb.
Sword of Wounding (Shortsword) Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Rare 5,000 GP 2 lb.
Sword Pistol Weapon (Finesse, Range, Loading) Mundane 200 GP 5 lb.
Sword Pistol +1 Weapon (Finesse, Range, Loading) Uncommon 500 GP 5 lb.
Sword Pistol +2 Weapon (Finesse, Range, Loading) Rare 3,500 GP 5 lb.
Sword Pistol +3 Weapon (Finesse, Range, Loading) Very Rare 8,000 GP 5 lb.
Sycamore Petal Poultice Consumable Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Tailored Suit of Armor Light Armor (Comfortable, Flaw) Common 80 GP 8 lb.
Talisman of Pure Good Miscellaneous Legendary 75,000 GP 0 lb.
Talisman of the Sphere Miscellaneous Legendary 85,000 GP 0 lb.
Talisman of Ultimate Evil Miscellaneous Legendary 75,000 GP 0 lb.
Tanglefoot Bag Miscellaneous Mundane 50 GP 3 lb.
Tankard Container Mundane 2 CP 1 lb.
Tea (Moderate) Consumable Mundane 3 SP 0 lb.
Tea (Poor) Consumable Mundane 3 CP 0 lb.
Tea (Rich) Consumable Mundane 3 GP 0 lb.
Tea Set (Moderate) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 SP 3 lb.
Tea Set (Poor) Miscellaneous Mundane 2 CP 4 lb.
Tea Set (Rich) Miscellaneous Mundane 5 GP 3 lb.
Tent (Communal) Miscellaneous Mundane 15 GP 40 lb.
Tent (One Person) Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 10 lb.
Tent (Two Person) Miscellaneous Mundane 2 GP 20 lb.
Tessen Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Flamboyant, Thrown) Mundane 5 GP 1 lb.
Tessen +1 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Flamboyant, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 1 lb.
Tessen +2 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Flamboyant, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 1 lb.
Tessen +3 Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Flamboyant, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 1 lb.
That Which Spies From Infinity’s True Name Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
The Song of Creation Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
The Traveling Chest Container Legendary 52,000 GP 0 lb.
Thieves' Tools Tool Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
Thinblade Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Vicious) Mundane 50 GP 2 lb.
Thinblade +1 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Vicious) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Thinblade +2 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Vicious) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Thinblade +3 Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Vicious) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Timekeeper Gremlin Miscellaneous Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Tinderbox Miscellaneous Mundane 5 SP 1 lb.
Tinker's Tools Tool Mundane 50 GP 10 lb.
Tomahawk Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown) Mundane 5 GP 2 lb.
Tomahawk +1 Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
Tomahawk +2 Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
Tomahawk +3 Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Tome of Clear Thought Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Tome of Leadership and Influence Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Tome of the Endless Tale Miscellaneous Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Tome of Triumphant Tavern Keeping Miscellaneous Uncommon 135 GP 0 lb.
Tome of Understanding Miscellaneous Very Rare 20,000 GP 0 lb.
Tools of the Hidden Hand Tool Common 30 GP 0 lb.
Topaz Miscellaneous Mundane 500 GP 0 lb.
Topaz (Sword of Three Traditions) Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Torch Miscellaneous Mundane 1 CP 1 lb.
Torch (Alchemical) Miscellaneous Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
Totem Miscellaneous Mundane 1 GP 0 lb.
Tourmaline Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 0 lb.
Tracker's Set (Berserker) Container Mundane 117 GP 0 lb.
Transforming Cloak (Gnome) Clothing Very Rare 30,000 GP 3 lb.
Transforming Cloak (Salamander) Clothing Very Rare 30,000 GP 3 lb.
Transforming Cloak (Sylph) Clothing Very Rare 30,000 GP 3 lb.
Transforming Cloak (Undine) Clothing Very Rare 30,000 GP 3 lb.
Travel Enclosure (Small) Miscellaneous Mundane 35 GP 15 lb.
Travel Enclosure (Tiny) Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 2 lb.
Traveling Mage's Set (Wizard) Container Mundane 86 GP 0 lb.
Trident Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted) Mundane 10 GP 3 lb.
Trident +1 Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Trident +2 Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Trident +3 Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Trident of Fish Command Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Trombone Tool Mundane 15 GP 4 lb.
Troublemaker's Set (Sorcerer) Container Mundane 71 GP 0 lb.
True Weight Gloves Clothing Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Truth Serum Consumable Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Turquoise Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 0 lb.
Tyrant’s Teeth Jewelry Very Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Universal Solvent Consumable Legendary 100,000 GP 0 lb.
Unliving Rune Consumable Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Unstable Arcanum (Vial) Miscellaneous Mundane 120 GP 0 lb.
Urgosh Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Mundane 20 GP 3 lb.
Urgosh +1 Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Urgosh +2 Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Urgosh +3 Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Parrying) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Useful Top Hat Container Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Veil of Fate Clothing Artifact - 0 lb.
Vekeshi Blade Weapon (Defensive) Very Rare 15,750 GP 3 lb.
Verdant Fang Miscellaneous Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vestments Clothing Mundane 1 GP 4 lb.
Vial Container Mundane 1 GP 0 lb.
Vial of Beauty Consumable Common 60 GP 0 lb.
Vicious Assassin's Gauntlet Weapon (Stealthy, Finesse) Uncommon 400 GP 8 lb.
Vicious Battleaxe Weapon (Versatile, Breaker (wood)) Uncommon 400 GP 6 lb.
Vicious Blowgun Weapon (Loading, Simple, Range, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 0.5 lb.
Vicious Boot Dagger Weapon (Finesse, Stealthy) Uncommon 400 GP 4 lb.
Vicious Brass Knuckles Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted) Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Vicious Carbine Weapon (Range, Loading, Two-Handed) Uncommon 400 GP 5 lb.
Vicious Composite Bow Weapon (Compounding, Heavy, Range, Two-Handed) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Crossbow, Hand Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Loading, Range) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Crossbow, Heavy Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Uncommon 400 GP 15 lb.
Vicious Crossbow, Light Weapon (Loading, Range, Simple, Two-Handed) Uncommon 400 GP 5 lb.
Vicious Crossbow, Ratcheting Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed) Uncommon 400 GP 20 lb.
Vicious Dagger Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 1 lb.
Vicious Dagger, Dueling Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Parrying, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 1 lb.
Vicious Dagger, Punching Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Hand-Mounted, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 1 lb.
Vicious Dagger, Throwing Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Thrown, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Vicious Dart Weapon (Range, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 0.25 lb.
Vicious Flail Weapon (Vicious, Parrying Immunity, Trip) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Geared Slingshot Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 25 lb.
Vicious Glaive Weapon (Reach, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 5 lb.
Vicious Greataxe Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Vicious, Breaker (wood)) Uncommon 400 GP 9 lb.
Vicious Greatclub Weapon (Versatile, Simple, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 10 lb.
Vicious Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 7 lb.
Vicious Halberd Weapon (Heavy, Reach, Trip, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 7 lb.
Vicious Handaxe Weapon (Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Simple, Thrown, Vicious, Breaker (wood)) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Lance Weapon (Defensive, Reach, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 6 lb.
Vicious Light Hammer Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Thrown, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Longbow Weapon (Heavy, Range, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Longsword Weapon (Defensive, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Mace Weapon (Defensive, Simple, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 4 lb.
Vicious Maul Weapon (Heavy, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 11 lb.
Vicious Mercurial Maul Weapon (Two-Handed, Heavy, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 15 lb.
Vicious Morningstar Weapon (Defensive, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 4 lb.
Vicious Musket Weapon (Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 10 lb.
Vicious Pike Weapon (Defensive, Heavy, Reach, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 13 lb.
Vicious Pistol Weapon (Loading, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Quarterstaff Weapon (Parrying, Simple, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 4 lb.
Vicious Rapier Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Revolver Weapon (Loading, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Ring Blade Weapon (Thrown, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 6 lb.
Vicious Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Scythe Weapon (Heavy, Parrying, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 12 lb.
Vicious Shortbow Weapon (Range, Two-Handed, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Shotgun Weapon (Loading, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 6 lb.
Vicious Sling Weapon (Range, Simple, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 0 lb.
Vicious Spear Weapon (Thrown, Simple, Versatile, Defensive, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Sword Pistol Weapon (Finesse, Range, Loading, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 5 lb.
Vicious Trident Weapon (Versatile, Thrown, Mounted, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious War Pick Weapon (Vicious, Breaker (stone)) Uncommon 400 GP 2 lb.
Vicious Warhammer Weapon (Versatile, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Vicious Whip Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip, Vicious) Uncommon 400 GP 3 lb.
Violin Tool Mundane 25 GP 1 lb.
Vorpal Greatsword Weapon (Parrying, Heavy, Two-Handed) Legendary 55,000 GP 7 lb.
Vorpal Longsword Weapon (Defensive) Legendary 55,000 GP 3 lb.
Vorpal Saber Weapon (Defensive, Finesse, Mounted) Legendary 55,000 GP 3 lb.
Vorpal Scimitar Weapon (Finesse, Defensive, Dual-Wielding) Legendary 55,000 GP 3 lb.
Vorpal Shortsword Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Legendary 55,000 GP 2 lb.
Wakizashi Weapon (Defensive, Parrying, Finesse) Mundane 15 GP 2 lb.
Walking Chicken Hut Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Walking Death Consumable Legendary 60,000 GP 0 lb.
Wand Miscellaneous Mundane 10 GP 1 lb.
Wand of Binding Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Cobwebs Miscellaneous Uncommon 150 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Elocution Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Enemy Detection Miscellaneous Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Erudition Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Fear Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Fireballs Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Lightning Bolts Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Magic Detection Miscellaneous Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Magic Missile Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Paralysis Miscellaneous Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Polymorph Miscellaneous Very Rare 10,000 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Secrets Miscellaneous Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Wand of the Scribe Miscellaneous Common 75 GP 0 lb.
Wand of the War Mage +1 Miscellaneous Uncommon 250 GP 0 lb.
Wand of the War Mage +2 Miscellaneous Rare 2,500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of the War Mage +3 Miscellaneous Very Rare 7,500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Web Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Wand of Wonder Miscellaneous Rare 5,000 GP 0 lb.
War Pick Weapon (Breaker (stone)) Mundane 5 GP 2 lb.
War Pick +1 Weapon (Breaker (stone)) Uncommon 500 GP 2 lb.
War Pick +2 Weapon (Breaker (stone)) Rare 3,500 GP 2 lb.
War Pick +3 Weapon (Breaker (stone)) Very Rare 8,000 GP 2 lb.
Warhammer Weapon (Versatile) Mundane 15 GP 3 lb.
Warhammer +1 Weapon (Versatile) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Warhammer +2 Weapon (Versatile) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Warhammer +3 Weapon (Versatile) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Warlock Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 2 Starting Gear (Badge of Seasons) Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 2 Starting Gear (Barbed Devil's Bracelet) Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 2 Starting Gear (Focusing Eye) Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 3 Starting Gear (Broom of Flying) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 3 Starting Gear (Cape of the Mountebank) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 4 Starting Gear (Clear Thought) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 4 Starting Gear (Leadership and Influence) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Warlock Tier 4 Starting Gear (Understanding) Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Warpblade Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Legendary 150,000 GP 1 lb.
Water Charm Miscellaneous Uncommon 500 GP 0 lb.
Waterskin Container Mundane 2 SP 5 lb.
Waystone Miscellaneous Common 50 GP 0 lb.
Weaver's Tools Tool Mundane 1 GP 5 lb.
Well of Many Worlds Miscellaneous Legendary 75,000 GP 0 lb.
Wheelchair Miscellaneous Mundane 100 GP 25 lb.
Whetstone Miscellaneous Mundane 1 CP 1 lb.
Whip Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Mundane 2 GP 3 lb.
Whip +1 Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Uncommon 500 GP 3 lb.
Whip +2 Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Rare 3,500 GP 3 lb.
Whip +3 Weapon (Finesse, Parrying Immunity, Reach, Trip) Very Rare 8,000 GP 3 lb.
Whispering Stones Miscellaneous Artifact - 0 lb.
Wig of Styling Miscellaneous Common 15 GP 0 lb.
Wind Fan Miscellaneous Uncommon 450 GP 0 lb.
Winged Boots Clothing Rare 1,500 GP 0 lb.
Wings of Flying Miscellaneous Rare 3,500 GP 0 lb.
Wizard Other Favourites Container Legendary - 0 lb.
Wizard Tier 2 Starting Gear Container Uncommon 700 GP 0 lb.
Wizard Tier 3 Starting Gear (Air) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Wizard Tier 3 Starting Gear (Earth) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Wizard Tier 3 Starting Gear (Fire) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Wizard Tier 3 Starting Gear (Water) Container Rare 7,000 GP 0 lb.
Wizard Tier 4 Starting Gear Container Very Rare 40,000 GP 0 lb.
Wonder Miscellaneous Mundane 30 GP 0 lb.
Wood Woad Amulet Miscellaneous Common 90 GP 0 lb.
Woodcarver's Tools Tool Mundane 1 GP 5 lb.
Wooden Stake Weapon (Dual-Wielding, Finesse, Simple) Mundane - 1 lb.
Wyvern Poison Consumable Rare 1,200 GP 0 lb.
Zlick’s Message Cushion Miscellaneous Common 45 GP 0 lb.