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Name Classes Spell level Range Components Activation Schools Extra
Accelerando Bard 4st Short V, S, M (licorice) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Movement, Sound, Time) Concentration
Accompanying Fog Cloud Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 1st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Obscurement, Weather) Concentration
Acid Arrow Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Long V, S, M (flint arrowhead) 1 Action Evocation (Acid, Arcane)
Acid Splash Artificer, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Medium V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Acid, Arcane)
Agile Accelerando 4st Short V, S, M (licorice) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Movement, Sound, Time) Concentration
Aid Cleric, Herald 2nd Medium V, S, M (measure of spirits) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Enhancement)
Air Wave Artificer, Bard, Elementalist (Air), Warlock, Wielder 1st Short V 1 Action Conjuration (Air, Weaponry)
Alarm Artificer, Witch, Wizard 1st Medium V, S, M (miniature trip wire) 1 Minute Abjuration (Arcane, Protection, Scrying, Utility)
Alter Self Sorcerer, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 2nd Self V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement, Shapechanging, Weaponry) Concentration
Altered Strike Artificer, Bard, Herald, Sorcerer, Wizard Cantrip Self V, S, M (piece of the desired material) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed, Weaponry)
Alton’s Learned Palate 1st Touch V, S 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Divine, Hearth, Protection, Utility)
Amber Prince's Shocking Grasp Cantrip Short V, S 1 Action Evocation (Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Lightning)
Amorphous Animal Shapes 8st Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Beasts, Shapechanging, Transformation) Concentration
Angel Paradox Cleric, Wizard 7st Short V 1 Action Evocation (Radiant, Undead)
Animal Friendship Bard, Druid 1st Short V, S, M (red ribbon) 1 Action Enchantment (Beasts, Compulsion, Nature)
Animal Messenger Bard, Druid, Witch 2nd Short V, S, M (tightly rolled strip of paper) 1 Action Enchantment (Beasts, Communication, Nature)
Animal Shapes Druid 8st Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Beasts, Shapechanging, Transformation) Concentration
Animate Dead Cleric, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (two copper coins) 1 Minute Necromancy (Necrotic, Summoning, Undead)
Animate Objects Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 5st Long V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Transformation, Weaponry) Concentration
Antilife Shell Druid 5st Self V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Protection, Technological, Undead) Concentration
Antimagic Field Cleric, Witch, Wizard 8st Self V, S, M (pinch of powdered cold iron) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation, Planar, Protection) Concentration
Antimagic Zone Cleric, Witch, Wizard 9st V, S, M (opal worth at least 1,000 gp, consumed by the spell) 1 Minute Abjuration (Arcane, Divine, Negation, Planar, Protection)
Antipathy/Sympathy Druid, Witch, Wizard 8st Medium V, S, M (flask of honey and vinegar) 1 Hour Enchantment (Compulsion)
Arcane Eye Artificer, Witch, Wizard 4st Medium V, S, M (a mushroom-shaped piece of wood inside a universal joint) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Scrying) Concentration
Arcane Hand Wizard 5st 5 ft. V, S, M (gauntlet inlaid with copper tracery) 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Protection) Concentration
Arcane Lock Artificer, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (gold dust worth at least 25 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Protection)
Arcane Mirror Bard, Cleric, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 4st Self V, S, M () 1 Minute Divination (Arcane, Divine, Communication, Scrying, Utility) Concentration
Arcane Muscles Artificer, Cleric, Herald, Sorcerer, Wizard Cantrip V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed)
Arcane Riposte Bard, Elementalist (Air), Elementalist (Earth), Elementalist (Fire), Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Reaction Evocation (Arcane, Attack)
Arcane Sword Bard, Wizard 7st Medium V, S, M (miniature sword worth 250 gold) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Force, Summoning, Weaponry) Concentration
Arcanist's Magic Aura Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (small patch of silk) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement, Scrying)
Aspect of the Moon Bard, Druid 3st Self V 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Nature, Transformation, Unarmed, Weaponry) Concentration
Astral Projection Cleric, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Touch V, S, M (one jacinth worth 1,000 gold per creature affected and one ornately carved silver bar worth at least 100 gold per creature affected, all consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Necromancy (Movement, Planar, Utility)
Augmented Awaken 5st Touch V, S, M (an intricately carved agate worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 8 Hours Transmutation (Beasts, Enhancement, Nature, Plants)
Augury Cleric, Witch 2nd Self V, S, M (divinatory items worth at least 25 gold) 1 Minute Divination (Communication, Divine, Scrying)
Awaken Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Witch 5st Touch V, S, M (an intricately carved agate worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 8 Hours Transmutation (Beasts, Enhancement, Nature, Plants)
Awaken Portal Bard, Cleric, Witch, Wizard 4st Touch V, S, M (gold key worth at least 250 gp, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Transmutation (Arcane, Divine, Protection)
Bane Bard, Cleric, Witch 1st Short V, S, M (a small straw dolly) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction) Concentration
Banishment Cleric, Elementalist (Air), Elementalist (Fire), Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 4st Medium V, S, M (an item worth at least 2 gold the target finds distasteful, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Affliction, Planar) Concentration
Barkskin Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 2nd Touch V, S, M (strip of bark) 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Plants, Protection, Transformation)
Battlecry Ballad Bard 3st Short V, S, M (banner or flag) 1 Action Abjuration (Enhancement, Sound) Concentration
Beacon of Hope Cleric 3st Short V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection) Concentration
Bestow Curse Bard, Cleric, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Divine, Necrotic) Concentration
Black Tentacles Elementalist (Earth), Wizard 4st Medium V, S, M (piece of giant octopus or giant squid tentacle) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Summoning, Terrain) Concentration
Blade Barrier Cleric 6st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Protection, Weaponry) Concentration
Bless Cleric, Herald, Witch 1st Short V, S, M (sprinkle of holy water) 1 Action Enchantment (Divine, Enhancement) Concentration
Blight Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 4st Short V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Nature, Necrotic, Plants)
Blinding Acid Arrow 2nd Long V, S, M (flint arrowhead) 1 Action Evocation (Acid, Arcane)
Blinding Darkness 2nd Medium V, M (bat fur and a drop of pitch or piece of coal) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Shadow) Concentration
Blinding Mirror Image Elementalist (Air), Warlock, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Self V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Chaos, Obscurement)
Blindness/Deafness Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short V 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Divine, Senses)
Blink Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard 3st Self V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Planar, Protection)
Blood-Writ Bargain Cleric, Herald, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (drop of blood from both participants) 1 Minute Conjuration (Evil, Good, Law, Planar, Summoning)
Bloody Arcane Sword 7st Medium V, S, M (miniature sword worth 250 gold) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Force, Summoning, Weaponry) Concentration
Blur Artificer, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Self V 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Protection, Senses) Concentration
Bunched Goodberry 1st Touch V, S, M (mistletoe and a handful of grass) 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Healing, Nature, Plants)
Burning Hands Artificer, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Calculate Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Cantrip Self V, S 1 Action Divination (Enhancement, Law, Technological) Concentration
Calculated Retribution Artificer, Cleric, Herald, Warlock, Wielder, Witch 1st Self V, S, M (executioner's hood) 1 Action Abjuration (Force, Law, Weaponry) Concentration
Call Lightning Druid, Elementalist (Air), Witch 3st 100 feet above you V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Lightning, Nature, Storm, Weather) Concentration
Calm Emotions Bard, Cleric, Elementalist (Water), Witch 2nd Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Divine, Negation) Concentration
Carting Phantom Steed Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Movement, Summoning, Utility)
Ceremony Cleric, Herald, Witch 1st Short V, S, M (25 gold worth of incense, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Evocation (Divine)
Chain Lightning Sorcerer, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (three pins, piece of glass, piece of fur) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Lightning)
Charged Produce Flame Artificer, Druid, Witch Cantrip Self V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Attack, Fire, Nature, Utility)
Chariot Flaming Sphere 2nd Medium V, S, M (tallow, brimstone, and powdered iron) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Fire) Concentration
Charm Monster Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 4st Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion)
Charm Person Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 1st Short V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion)
Chill Call Lightning 3st 100 feet above you S 1 Action Conjuration (Lightning, Nature, Storm, Weather) Concentration
Chill Touch Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Cantrip Long V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Necrotic)
Chilling Animate Dead 3st Touch V, S, M (two copper coins) 1 Minute Necromancy (Necrotic, Summoning, Undead)
Circle of Death Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (shards of a black pearl worth at least 500 gold) 1 Action Necromancy (Necrotic)
Circular Breathing Bard Cantrip Self S, M (long breath of clean air) 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Air, Enhancement, Water)
Clairvoyance Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st 1 mile V, S, M (focus worth at least 100 gold such as a crystal ball or a golden horn) 10 Minutes Divination (Arcane, Divine, Scrying) Concentration
Clinging Incendiary Cloud 8st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Fire) Concentration
Clone Wizard 8st Touch V, S, M (diamond worth at least 1, 000 gold and at least 1 cubic inch of flesh from the target, consumed by the spell; vessel worth at least 2, 000 gold which can be sealed and is large enough to hold the target) 1 Hour Necromancy (Arcane)
Cloudkill Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 5st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Obscurement, Poison) Concentration
Cobra's Spit Artificer, Druid, Witch 3st Self S, M (poisonous snake's fang) 1 Action Conjuration (Attack, Poison) Concentration
Color Spray Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Wizard 1st Self V, S, M (pinch of red, yellow, and blue colored sand or powder) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Prismatic, Senses)
Command Cleric, Herald, Wielder 1st Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Compulsion, Divine)
Commune Cleric, Warlock, Witch 5st Self V, S, M (incense and vial of holy or unholy water) 1 Minute Divination (Divine, Knowledge, Planar)
Commune with Nature Druid, Warlock, Witch 5st Self V, S 1 Minute Divination (Knowledge, Nature)
Comprehend Languages Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 1st Self V, S, M (ribbon with symbols of different languages written upon it) 1 Action Divination (Communication, Knowledge)
Conductive Lightning Bolt Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 3st Self V, S, M (small metal rod and rain water) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Lightning, Nature, Storm)
Cone of Cold Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 5st Self V, S, M (small glass or crystal snowflake) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Cold)
Confiscating Dispel Magic 3st Long V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation, Protection, Utility)
Confusion Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 4st Long V, S, M (a tangled string) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Chaos, Compulsion) Concentration
Conjure Aberration Warlock, Wizard 6st Medium V, S 1 Hour Conjuration (Arcane, Divine, Planar, Summoning) Concentration
Conjure Animals Druid 3st Medium V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Beasts, Nature, Summoning) Concentration
Conjure Celestial Cleric 7st Medium V, S 1 Minute Conjuration (Divine, Good, Summoning) Concentration
Conjure Elemental Druid, Elementalist (Air), Elementalist (Earth), Elementalist (Fire), Elementalist (Water), Wizard 5st Medium V, S, M (a 10-foot cube of air, earth, fire, or water as appropriate) 1 Minute Conjuration (Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water) Concentration
Conjure Fey Druid, Warlock 6st Medium V, S 1 Minute Conjuration (Arcane, Nature, Summoning) Concentration
Conjure Minor Elementals Druid, Elementalist (Air), Elementalist (Fire), Wizard 4st Medium V, S 1 Minute Conjuration (Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water) Concentration
Conjure Woodland Beings Druid 4st Medium V, S, M (one holly berry per creature summoned) 1 Action Conjuration (Nature) Concentration
Contact Other Plane Warlock, Witch, Wizard 5st Self V 1 Minute Divination (Arcane, Knowledge, Planar)
Contagion Cleric, Druid, Witch 5st Touch V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Nature)
Contingency Wizard 6st Self V, S, M (gem-encrusted statuette of yourself worth 1, 500 gold) 10 Minutes Evocation (Arcane, Time)
Continual Flame Artificer, Cleric, Witch, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (ruby dust worth 50 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Divine, Fire)
Control Water Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Wizard 4st Long V, S, M (drop of water) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Divine, Nature, Terrain, Water) Concentration
Control Weather Cleric, Druid, Witch, Wizard 8st Self V, S, M (burning incense, bits of earth, and wood mixed with water) 10 Minutes Transmutation (Arcane, Divine, Nature, Weather) Concentration
Corpse Explosion Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 1st Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Poison, Thunder)
Costly Spare the Dying Artificer, Cleric, Witch Cantrip Touch V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Divine, Healing)
Counterspell Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Medium S 1 Reaction Abjuration (Arcane, Negation)
Courageous Battlecry Ballad 3st Short V, S, M (banner or flag) 1 Action Abjuration (Enhancement, Sound) Concentration
Create Food and Water Artificer, Cleric, Herald 3st Short V, S, M (serving of fresh food or water) 1 Action Conjuration (Divine, Hearth, Utility)
Create or Destroy Water Cleric, Elementalist (Water), Herald 1st Short V, S, M (drop of water to create water or grains of sand to destroy it) 1 Action Transmutation (Divine, Hearth, Utility, Water)
Create Undead Cleric, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Short V, S, M (each corpse requires a clay pot filled with grave dirt, a clay pot filled with brackish water, and a black onyx stone worth 150 gold) 1 Minute Necromancy (Arcane, Divine, Undead)
Creation Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard 5st Short V, S, M (tiny piece of matter of the same type of the item you plan to create) 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Shadow)
Creeping Phantasmal Killer 4st Long V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Fear, Psychic) Concentration
Cruel Planar Ally Cleric, Warlock, Witch 6st Medium V, S 10 Minutes Conjuration (Divine, Planar, Summoning)
Crushing Haymaker Artificer, Cleric, Elementalist (Air), Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder 3st Self V, S, M (set of brass knuckles) 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Thunder, Unarmed, Weaponry)
Crystal Pillar 1st Short V, S 1 Reaction Abjuration (Earth, Protection)
Cubed Cone of Cold 5st Self V, S, M (small glass or crystal snowflake) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Cold)
Cure Wounds Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Witch 1st Touch V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Healing, Nature)
Cursed Moonbeam Druid 2nd Long V, S, M (moonseed seeds and a piece of feldspar) 1 Action Evocation (Nature, Radiant) Concentration
Dancing Lights Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Long V, S, M (bit of phosphorus or wychwood, or a glowworm) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Utility) Concentration
Darklight Druid, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st Self V, S, M (torch coated with pitch) 1 Action Evocation (Utility)
Darkness Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Medium V, M (bat fur and a drop of pitch or piece of coal) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Shadow) Concentration
Darkvision Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (pinch of dried carrot or an agate) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Nature, Senses)
Daylight Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Fire), Herald, Sorcerer, Witch 3st Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Divine, Nature)
Deadweight Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Herald, Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Mobility, Transformation) Concentration
Death Ward Cleric, Herald 4st Touch V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection)
Decisive Meteor Swarm Sorcerer, Wizard 9st 1 mile V, S 1 Action Evocation (Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Fire, Storm)
Delayed Blast Fireball Sorcerer, Wizard 7st Long V, S, M (tiny ball of bat guano and sulfur) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire) Concentration
Delayed Fire Storm 7st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Fire, Storm)
Demiplane Warlock, Witch, Wizard 8st Medium S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Planar)
Denying Antimagic Field 8st Short V, S, M (pinch of powdered cold iron) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation, Planar, Protection) Concentration
Dependable Glyph of Warding 3st Touch V, S, M (incense and powdered diamond worth 200 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Abjuration (Utility)
Despairing Hideous Laughter 1st Short V, S, M (poppy seed) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Detect Evil and Good Cleric, Herald 1st 30-foot radius V, S 1 Action Divination (Divine, Senses) Concentration
Detect Magic Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Sorcerer, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 1st 30-foot radius V, S 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Divine, Nature, Senses) Concentration
Detect Poison and Disease Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Herald, Witch 1st 30-foot radius V, S, M (yew leaf) 1 Action Divination (Divine, Nature, Senses) Concentration
Detect Thoughts Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd 30-foot radius V, S, M (copper piece) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Senses, Telepathy) Concentration
Devious Eyebite 6st Self V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Fear) Concentration
Dimension Door Artificer, Bard, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 4st 500 feet V 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Teleportation)
Discerning Lightning Strike 5st Medium V, S, M (pinch of sulfur) 1 Action Divination (Divine, Fire)
Disguise Self Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement)
Disintegrate Sorcerer, Wizard 6st Medium V, S, M (lodestone and pinch of dust) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Attack, Transformation)
Dismissal 5st Self V, S, M (holy water or powdered silver and iron worth 25 gold) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection) Concentration
Disorienting Sunburst Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 8st Long V, S, M (piece of sunstone and a bead of stained glass) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Radiant)
Dispel Evil and Good Cleric, Herald 5st Self V, S, M (holy water or powdered silver and iron worth 25 gold) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection) Concentration
Dispel Magic Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Long V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation, Protection, Utility)
Distant Vampiric Touch Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st 10 V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Attack, Healing, Necrotic) Concentration
Divination Cleric, Warlock, Witch 4st Self V, S, M (incense and sacrificial offering worth at least 25 gold appropriate to the higher power, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Divination (Communication, Divine, Knowledge)
Divine Favor Herald 1st Self V, S 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Radiant, Weaponry) Concentration
Divine Word Cleric, Witch 7st Short V 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Affliction, Divine)
Dominate Beast Druid, Sorcerer 4st Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Beasts, Compulsion, Nature) Concentration
Dominate Monster Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 8st Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Dominate Person Bard, Sorcerer, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 5st Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Compulsion) Concentration
Draining Phantasmal Killer 4st Long V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Fear, Psychic) Concentration
Dramatic Sting Bard 1st Short V, S, M (broken violin string and a wasp's stinger) 1 Bonus Action Enchantment (Fear, Psychic, Sound) Concentration
Dream Bard, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 5st Same plane V, S, M (sand, ink, and a writing quill plucked from a sleeping bird) 1 Minute Illusion (Affliction, Communication)
Druidcraft Druid Cantrip Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Utility)
Dyed Stinking Cloud Bard, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st Long V, S, M (rotten egg or dried fish scale) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Poison) Concentration
Eager Wall of Flesh Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (piece of bone) 1 Action Evocation (Chaos, Evil, Protection) Concentration
Earth Barrier Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 1st Short V, S 1 Reaction Abjuration (Earth, Protection)
Earthquake Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Witch 8st 500 feet V, S, M (dirt, rock, and clay) 1 Action Evocation (Earth, Terrain) Concentration
Eldritch Cube Artificer, Warlock, Wizard 5st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Law, Psychic) Concentration
Elusive Misty Step Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short V 1 Bonus Action Conjuration (Arcane, Chaos, Movement, Teleportation)
Elvatar's Thunderous Entrance Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 4st Long V, S, M (tiny sheet of metal) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Nature, Sound, Storm, Thunder)
Enduring Bestow Curse 3st Touch V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Divine, Necrotic) Concentration
Enhance Ability Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (fur or feather from a beast) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement) Concentration
Enhanced Mage Armor Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (metal stud) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Protection)
Enhancing Fire Shield Elementalist (Fire), Elementalist (Water), Wizard 4st Self V, S, M (phosphorus) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Cold, Fire, Protection)
Enlarge/Reduce Artificer, Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Short V, S, M (powdered iron) 1 Action Transmutation (Affliction, Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation) Concentration
Enrage Architecture Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard 7st Long V, S, M (stone or timber removed from a structure at least 100 years old) 1 Action Transmutation (Earth, Terrain) Concentration
Entangle Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 1st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Nature, Plants, Terrain) Concentration
Enthrall Bard, Warlock, Witch 2nd Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Compulsion)
Escape Bard, Witch, Wizard 5st Special V, S, M (A silken cord) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Teleportation)
Etherealness Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 7st Self V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Movement, Obscurement, Planar)
Exceptional Telepathic Bond Witch, Wizard 5st Short V, S, M (two matching cards from different decks) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Communication, Telepathy)
Expeditious Retreat Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement) Concentration
Expeditious Word of Recall Cleric 6st 5-foot radius V 1 Action Conjuration (Divine, Teleportation)
Eyebite Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Self V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction, Arcane, Fear) Concentration
Fabricate Artificer, Wizard 4st Long V, S 10 Minutes Transmutation (Arcane, Transformation)
Faerie Fire Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Fire), Witch 1st Medium V 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Utility) Concentration
Faithful Hound Wizard 4st Short V, S, M (silver whistle, piece of bone, and a thread) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Protection, Sound)
False Life Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 1st Self V, S, M (alcohol or distilled spirits) 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Enhancement)
Fantabulous Heroes' Feast 6st Short V, S, M (beautifully crafted bowl worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 10 Minutes Conjuration (Enhancement, Hearth)
Fear Bard, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Self V, S, M (white feather or hen's heart) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Fear) Concentration
Feast of Fear 3st Self V, S, M (white feather or hen's heart) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Fear) Concentration
Feather Fall Artificer, Bard, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Medium V, M (a small feather or pinch of down) 1 Reaction Transmutation (Arcane, Protection)
Feeblemind Bard, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 8st Long V, S, M (handful of clay, crystal, glass, or mineral spheres) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane, Psychic)
Fell Prayer of Healing Cleric 2nd Short V 10 Minutes Evocation (Divine, Good, Healing)
Fell Spiritual Weapon Cleric 2nd Medium V, S 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Force)
Fiendish Antipathy/Sympathy 8st Medium V, S, M (flask of honey and vinegar) 1 Hour Enchantment (Compulsion)
Final Heroes' Feast 6st Short V, S, M (beautifully crafted bowl worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 10 Minutes Conjuration (Enhancement, Hearth)
Find Familiar Witch, Wizard 1st Short V, S, M (10 gold worth of charcoal, incense, and herbs that must be burned in a brass brazier) 1 Hour Conjuration (Arcane, Summoning)
Find Steed Herald, Wielder 2nd Short V, S 10 Minutes Conjuration (Beasts, Divine, Summoning)
Find the Path Bard, Cleric, Druid 6st Same plane V, S, M (object worth at least 1 silver and from the target location) 1 Minute Divination (Divine, Nature, Terrain) Concentration
Find Traps Artificer, Cleric, Druid 2nd Long V, S 1 Minute Divination (Divine, Protection, Senses, Technological, Utility)
Finger of Death Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard 7st Medium V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Necrotic, Undead)
Finor's Imprisoning Skeletal Hands 1st Short S, M (finger bone) 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Divine, Necrotic) Concentration
Fire Bolt Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard Cantrip Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Fire Shield Elementalist (Fire), Elementalist (Water), Wizard 4st Self V, S, M (phosphorus) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Cold, Fire, Protection)
Fire Storm Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer 7st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Fire, Storm)
Fireball Artificer, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Wizard 3st Long V, S, M (bat guano and sulfur) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Flame Blade Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Fire) 2nd Self V, S, M (sumac leaf) 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Fire, Weaponry) Concentration
Flame Strike Cleric, Elementalist (Fire) 5st Medium V, S, M (pinch of sulfur) 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Fire)
Flaming Sphere Druid, Elementalist (Fire), Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (tallow, brimstone, and powdered iron) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Fire) Concentration
Flammable Grease 1st Medium V, S, M (drop of grease) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Earth)
Flammable Web Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (spiderweb) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Movement, Obscurement) Concentration
Flesh to Stone Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Medium S, M (limestone) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Earth, Transformation) Concentration
Flex Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch 2nd Touch S, M (drop of oil) 1 Action Illusion (Enhancement, Utility)
Floating Disk Witch, Wizard 1st Short V, S, M (coin worth at least 1 silver) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Movement)
Fly Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (feather) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement) Concentration
Fog Cloud Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 1st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Obscurement, Weather) Concentration
Forbiddance Cleric, Witch 6st Touch V, S, M (holy water, incense, and powdered ruby worth 1, 000 gold) 10 Minutes Abjuration (Divine, Negation, Teleportation)
Forbidden Planar Ally Cleric, Warlock, Witch 6st Medium V, S 10 Minutes Conjuration (Divine, Planar, Summoning)
Force of Will Cleric, Druid, Herald, Wielder 2nd Self V, S 1 Reaction Abjuration (Protection)
Force Punch Artificer, Sorcerer, Wielder, Warlock 1st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Force, Unarmed)
Forcecage Bard, Warlock, Wizard 7st Long V, S, M (ruby dust worth 1, 500 gold) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Force, Planar, Teleportation)
Foresight Bard, Druid, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Touch V, S, M (hummingbird feather) 1 Minute Divination (Arcane, Senses)
Forest Army Druid 9st Long V, S, M (emerald worth at least 10, 000 gold) 1 Hour Conjuration (Nature, Plants) Concentration
Fortifying Aid 2nd Medium V, S, M (measure of spirits) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Enhancement)
Freedom of Movement Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Witch 4st Touch V, S, M (grease) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Movement, Protection, Water)
Freezing Sphere Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (a marble) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Cold, Water)
Friends Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Short S 1 Bonus Action Enchantment (Arcane)
Frigid Ray of Frost Artificer, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Cold, Movement)
Gaseous Form Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (piece of gauze) 1 Action Transmutation (Air, Arcane, Movement) Concentration
Gate Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard 9st Medium V, S, M (diamond worth at least 5, 000 gold) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Planar) Concentration
Geas Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Witch, Wizard 5st Medium V, S 1 Minute Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion, Divine, Law)
Gentle Repose Cleric, Elementalist (Water), Witch, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (a copper piece placed on each of the corpse's eyes) 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Divine)
Giant Insect Druid 4st Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Beasts, Nature) Concentration
Glacial Wall Witch, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (quartz) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Cold, Protection) Concentration
Glibness Bard, Warlock, Witch 8st Self V 1 Action Transmutation (Communication, Enhancement, Obscurement)
Globe of Invulnerability Sorcerer, Wizard 6st Self V, S, M (glass bead) 1 Action Abjuration (Negation, Protection) Concentration
Glowing Heroism 1st Touch V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Enhancement) Concentration
Glyph of Warding Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (incense and powdered diamond worth 200 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Abjuration (Utility)
Goodberry Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 1st Touch V, S, M (mistletoe and a handful of grass) 1 Action Transmutation (Healing, Nature, Plants)
Grapevine Druid Cantrip 100 miles V, S 1 Action Evocation (Communication, Plants)
Grease Artificer, Elementalist (Earth), Sorcerer, Wizard 1st Medium V, S, M (drop of grease) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Earth)
Greater Invisibility Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard 4st Touch V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement, Shadow) Concentration
Greater Restoration Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Witch 5st Touch V, S, M (100 gold of diamond dust, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Healing)
Greater True Strike Bard, Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Short S 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Attack, Enhancement) Concentration
Guarded Enhance Ability 2nd Touch V, S, M (fur or feather from a beast) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement) Concentration
Guardian of Faith Cleric 4st Short V 1 Action Conjuration
Guards and Wards Bard, Wizard 6st Touch V, S, M (silver rod worth 10 gold, burning incense, brimstone, and oil) 10 Minutes Abjuration (Arcane, Protection)
Guidance Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Witch Cantrip Touch V, S 1 Action Divination (Divine, Knowledge) Concentration
Guiding Bolt Cleric, Elementalist (Fire), Wielder 1st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Radiant)
Gust of Wind Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Self V, S, M (seed) 1 Action Evocation (Air, Nature) Concentration
Hallow Cleric, Witch 5st Touch V, S, M (sanctified oils and incense worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 24 Hours Evocation (Divine, Protection)
Hallucinatory Domicile 4st 300 feet V, S, M (bit of dirt from the area) 10 Minutes Illusion (Obscurement, Terrain)
Hallucinatory Terrain Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Warlock, Witch, Wizard 4st 300 feet V, S, M (bit of dirt from the area) 10 Minutes Illusion (Obscurement, Terrain)
Hardy Wall of Stone Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 5st Long V, S, M (block of granite) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Divine, Earth, Obscurement, Protection, Terrain, Utility) Concentration
Harm Cleric 6st Medium V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Attack, Divine)
Harmonic Resonance Bard 1st Self V, S, M (the written lyrics of a duet) 1 Action Abjuration (Enhancement, Sound) Concentration
Haste Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S, M (coffee bean) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Time) Concentration
Heal Cleric, Druid 6st Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Healing)
Healing Word Bard, Cleric, Druid 1st Medium V 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Divine, Healing)
Heart of Dis Warlock, Wizard 8st Self V, S, M (replica iron heart worth at least 1, 000 gold) 10 Minutes Necromancy (Enhancement, Evil, Fear, Planar, Protection, Law)
Heat Metal Artificer, Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Fire) 2nd Medium V, S, M (piece of iron) 1 Action Transmutation (Affliction, Fire, Nature) Concentration
Hellish Fire Bolt Cantrip Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Heroes' Feast Cleric, Druid, Witch 6st Short V, S, M (beautifully crafted bowl worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 10 Minutes Conjuration (Enhancement, Hearth)
Heroism Bard, Herald, Elementalist (Fire), Wielder 1st Touch V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Enhancement) Concentration
Hex Warlock 1st Long V, S, M (A blade or needle you draw your own blood with, or a venomous animal or poisonous plant you crush) 1 Bonus Action Enchantment (Affliction) Concentration
Hideous Laughter Bard, Witch, Wizard 1st Short V, S, M (poppy seed) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Hold Monster Bard, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 5st Medium V, S, M (piece of iron) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane) Concentration
Hold Person Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (piece of iron) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane) Concentration
Holey Move Earth Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (iron blade and a bag of mixed soils) 1 Action Transmutation (Earth, Nature, Terrain, Utility)
Holy Aura Cleric 8st Self V, S, M (sacred reliquary worth at least 1, 000 gold) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Enhancement, Protection) Concentration
Hypnotic Pattern Bard, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Long S, M (piece of crystal) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Prismatic) Concentration
Ice Storm Druid, Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 4st 300 feet V, S, M (drop of water) 1 Action Evocation (Cold, Nature, Storm)
Icy Displeasure 4st Medium V, S, M (an item worth at least 2 gold the target finds distasteful, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Affliction, Planar) Concentration
Identify Artificer, Bard, Witch, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (pearl worth at least 100 gold and a feather) 1 Minute Divination (Arcane, Knowledge)
Illusory Script Bard, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 1st Touch S, M (ink worth at least 10 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Communication)
Imbued Ray Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Fire)
Imparted Invisibility Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (piece of a veil) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement, Shadow) Concentration
Imprecating Divine Word 7st Short V 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Affliction, Divine)
Imprisoning Forcecage 7st Long V, S, M (ruby dust worth 1, 500 gold) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Force, Planar, Teleportation)
Imprisonment Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Short V, S, M (picture or statue of the target worth at least 500 gold per Hit Die of the target and a special component determined by the spell's effects) 1 Minute Abjuration (Affliction, Arcane)
Improved Fireball 3st Long V, S, M (bat guano and sulfur) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Improved Unseen Servant Bard, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 1st Medium V, S, M (string and wood) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Summoning, Utility)
Incendiary Cloud Sorcerer, Wizard 8st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Fire) Concentration
Indiscriminate Animal Messenger Bard, Druid, Witch 2nd Short V, S, M (tightly rolled strip of paper) 1 Action Enchantment (Beasts, Communication, Nature)
Inescapable Malady Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 7st Medium V, S, M (hair, fingernail clippings, or some other piece of the target) 1 Action Necromancy (Affliction)
Infectious Hideous Laughter 1st Short V, S, M (poppy seed) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Infernal Insect Plague 5st 300 feet V, S, M (dead insect) 1 Action Conjuration (Beasts, Nature, Summoning) Concentration
Infernal Weapon Warlock 6st Self V, S 1 Bonus Action Conjuration (Attack, Cold, Evil, Fire)
Inflict Wounds Cleric 1st Touch V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Attack, Divine, Necrotic)
Insect Plague Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Witch 5st 300 feet V, S, M (dead insect) 1 Action Conjuration (Beasts, Nature, Summoning) Concentration
Insidious Acid Arrow 2nd Long V, S, M (flint arrowhead) 1 Action Evocation (Acid, Arcane)
Insidious Imprisonment 9st Short V, S, M (picture or statue of the target worth at least 500 gold per Hit Die of the target and a special component determined by the spell's effects) 1 Minute Abjuration (Affliction, Arcane)
Insightful Speak with Animals Bard, Druid, Witch 1st Self V, S 1 Action Divination (Beasts, Communication, Nature, Utility)
Insightful Speak with Plants Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 3st Self V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Communication, Nature, Plants, Utility)
Instant Summons Witch, Wizard 6st Touch V, S, M (precious stone worth 1, 000 gold) 1 Minute Conjuration (Arcane, Summoning)
Inverted Burning Hands 1st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Invigorated Strikes Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock 2nd Touch V, S, M (pair of claws) 1 Action Transmutation (Attack, Enhancement, Unarmed) Concentration
Invisibility Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (piece of a veil) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement, Shadow) Concentration
Invisible Object Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement, Shadow)
Iron Gate 9st Medium V, S, M (diamond worth at least 5, 000 gold) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Planar) Concentration
Irresistible Dance Bard, Wizard 6st Short V 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Jump Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (grasshopper's leg) 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Movement)
Knock Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (key) 1 Action Transmutation (Utility)
Lasting Animal Friendship Bard, Druid 1st Short V, S, M (red ribbon) 1 Action Enchantment (Beasts, Compulsion, Nature)
Lasting Harmonic Resonance 1st Self V, S, M (the written lyrics of a duet) 1 Action Abjuration (Enhancement, Sound) Concentration
Legend Lore Bard, Cleric, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 5st Self V, S, M (250 gold of incense consumed by the spell and 4 blank, exquisitely bound books worth at least 50 gold each) 10 Minutes Divination (Arcane, Communication, Knowledge)
Lemure Transformation Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Self V 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Transformation)
Lesser Restoration Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Witch 2nd Touch V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Good, Healing)
Levitate Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (sycamore seed or scrap of silver cloth) 1 Action Transmutation (Air, Arcane, Chaos, Movement) Concentration
Light Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Herald, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Touch V, M (small tinder box) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Utility)
Lightning Bolt Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 3st Self V, S, M (small metal rod and rain water) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Lightning, Nature, Storm)
Locate Animals or Plants Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Witch 2nd 5-mile radius V, S, M (two L-shaped metal rods) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Beasts, Hearth, Knowledge, Nature, Plants, Utility)
Locate Creature Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Herald, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 4st 1,000-foot radius V, S, M (two L-shaped metal rods) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Beasts, Knowledge, Plants) Concentration
Locate Object Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Wielder, Wizard 2nd 1,000-foot radius V, S, M (two L-shaped metal rods) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Knowledge, Utility) Concentration
Longstrider Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Witch, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (coiled wire and the sole of a shoe) 1 Action Transmutation (Movement, Utility)
Mage Armor Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (metal stud) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Protection)
Mage Hand Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Short V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Utility)
Magic Circle Herald, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S, M (holy water or ornately engraved padlocks worth 100 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Minute Abjuration (Compulsion, Protection)
Magic Jar Witch, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (box, locket, gem, or other highly decorated vessel worth at least 500 gold) 1 Minute Necromancy (Arcane, Compulsion, Evil)
Magic Map Bard, Druid, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short S, M (blank parchment and special inks worth at least 25 gp, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Knowledge, Nature)
Magic Missile Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Force)
Magic Mouth Bard, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short V, S, M (slice of dried ox tongue or a feather from a lyrebird) 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Communication, Sound)
Magic Weapon Artificer, Herald, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Arcane, Enhancement, Transformation, Weaponry) Concentration
Magnificent Mansion Bard, Wizard 7st 300 feet V, S, M (ornately engraved padlock, a square of embroidered silk, and highly polished ebony worth at least 300 gold) 1 Minute Conjuration (Arcane, Hearth, Planar)
Maiming Power Word Stun Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 8st Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane)
Major Image Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Long V, S, M (tinderbox and small mirror) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Chaos) Concentration
Malevolent Infernal Weapon 6st Self V, S 1 Bonus Action Conjuration (Attack, Cold, Evil, Fire)
Malleable Form Druid, Wizard 9st Self V, S, M (circlet worth at least 1, 500 gold placed on your head before the transformation) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Nature, Shapechanging) Concentration
Marked Guiding Bolt 1st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Radiant)
Mass Cure Wounds Bard, Cleric, Druid, Witch 5st Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Healing)
Mass Heal Cleric 9st Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Healing)
Mass Healing Word Cleric 3st Medium V 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Divine, Healing)
Mass Suggestion Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Medium V, M (miniature bottle of wine and some soap) 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Chaos, Compulsion)
Maze Wizard 8st Medium V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Chaos, Compulsion, Planar) Concentration
Meld Into Stone Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 3st Touch V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Obscurement, Shapechanging, Transformation)
Mending Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Herald, Sorcerer, Wizard Cantrip Touch V, S, M (fragment of equine bone) 1 Minute Transmutation (Arcane, Transformation, Utility)
Mental Grip Cleric, Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (rusted manacle) 1 Bonus Action Conjuration (Affliction) Concentration
Message Cantrip Long V, S, M (scrap of paper) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Communication)
Metabolic Stasis Bard, Cleric, Witch, Wizard 6st Short S, M (diamond-dust-filled hourglass worth at least 1,000 gp, consumed by the spell) 10 Minutes Transmutation (Arcane, Divine, Nature)
Meteor Swarm Sorcerer, Wizard 9st 1 mile V, S 1 Action Evocation (Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Fire, Storm)
Mighty Force Punch 1st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Force, Unarmed)
Mind Blank Bard, Witch, Wizard 8st Touch V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation)
Mindshield Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 4st Touch V, S 1 Minute Abjuration (Protection, Psychic) Concentration
Minor Illusion Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Short S, M (tinderbox and small mirror) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Chaos)
Mirage Arcane Druid, Witch, Wizard 7st Sight V, S 10 Minutes Illusion (Arcane, Chaos, Nature, Obscurement, Terrain, Transformation)
Mirror Image Elementalist (Air), Warlock, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Self V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Chaos, Obscurement)
Mislead Bard, Wizard 5st Self S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Chaos, Obscurement, Transformation) Concentration
Misty Step Artificer, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short V 1 Bonus Action Conjuration (Arcane, Chaos, Movement, Teleportation)
Mobile Meld Into Stone Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 3st Touch V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Obscurement, Shapechanging, Transformation)
Mocking Magic Mouth Bard, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short V, S, M (slice of dried ox tongue or a feather from a lyrebird) 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Communication, Sound)
Modify Memory Bard, Wizard 5st Short V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Communication, Compulsion, Utility) Concentration
Moonbeam Druid 2nd Long V, S, M (moonseed seeds and a piece of feldspar) 1 Action Evocation (Nature, Radiant) Concentration
Mounted Giant Insect 4st Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Beasts, Nature) Concentration
Move Earth Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (iron blade and a bag of mixed soils) 1 Action Transmutation (Earth, Nature, Terrain, Utility) Concentration
Naturalized Conjure Animals 3st Medium V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Beasts, Nature, Summoning)
Naturalized Conjure Woodland Beings 4st Medium V, S, M (one holly berry per creature summoned) 1 Action Conjuration (Nature)
Nondetection Bard, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (25 gold worth of diamond dust, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation, Obscurement, Scrying, Utility)
Obedient Faithful Hound 4st Short V, S, M (silver whistle, piece of bone, and a thread) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Protection, Sound)
Overwhelming Plant Growth Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 3st Long V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Hearth, Nature, Plants, Terrain)
Pass Without Trace Druid 2nd Self V, S, M (ashes of mistletoe and spruce) 1 Action Abjuration (Nature, Obscurement, Utility) Concentration
Passwall Elementalist (Earth), Wizard 5st Short V, S, M (sesame seeds) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Terrain, Utility)
Persistent Shattering Barrage Bard, Cleric, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Long V, S, M (handful of clean sand) 1 Action Evocation (Air, Terrain)
Pervading Tearful Sonnet Bard 4st Self V, S, M (whole onion) 1 Action Enchantment (Compulsion, Psychic, Sound) Concentration
Pestilence Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Medium V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Nature, Summoning) Concentration
Phantasmal Killer Wielder, Witch, Wizard 4st Long V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Fear, Psychic) Concentration
Phantasmal Talons Bard, Warlock, Witch 1st Self S 1 Action Enchantment (Psychic, Unarmed) Concentration
Phantom Steed Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Movement, Summoning, Utility)
Planar Ally Cleric, Warlock, Witch 6st Medium V, S 10 Minutes Conjuration (Divine, Planar, Summoning)
Planar Binding Bard, Cleric, Druid, Witch, Wizard 5st Medium V, S, M (jewel worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Abjuration (Arcane, Compulsion, Divine, Nature, Planar, Utility)
Plane Shift Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 7st Touch V, S, M (metal rod attuned to a particular plane of existence worth 250 gold) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Divine, Nature, Planar, Teleportation, Utility)
Plant Growth Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 3st Long V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Hearth, Nature, Plants, Terrain)
Poison Skin Druid, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S, M (handful of frog spawn) 1 Action Abjuration (Nature, Poison, Protection) Concentration
Poisonous Sporesight Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 7st Medium V, S, M (toadstool) 1 Action Evocation (Nature, Obscurement, Senses) Concentration
Polymorph Artificer, Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 4st Medium V, S, M (cocoon) 1 Action Transmutation (Affliction, Arcane, Beasts, Nature, Shapechanging, Transformation) Concentration
Potent Web Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (spiderweb) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Movement, Obscurement) Concentration
Power Word Kill Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Attack)
Power Word Stun Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 8st Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Arcane)
Prayer of Healing Cleric 2nd Short V 10 Minutes Evocation (Divine, Good, Healing)
Precarious Longstrider Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Witch, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (coiled wire and the sole of a shoe) 1 Action Transmutation (Movement, Utility)
Prestidigitation Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Utility)
Prismatic Spray Sorcerer, Wizard 7st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Prismatic)
Prismatic Wall Wizard 9st Medium V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Prismatic, Protection)
Private Sanctum Wizard 4st Long V, S, M (sheet of lead, piece of glass, wad of cotton or cloth, powdered chrysolite) 10 Minutes Abjuration (Arcane, Obscurement, Scrying, Utility)
Produce Flame Artificer, Druid, Witch Cantrip V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Attack, Fire, Nature, Utility)
Programmed Illusion Bard, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (some fleece and jade dust worth 25 gold) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Senses)
Project Image Bard, Wizard 7st V, S, M (replica of yourself made from materials worth 5 gold) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Chaos, Senses) Concentration
Protection from Energy Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Elementalist (Fire), Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Divine, Protection) Concentration
Protection from Evil and Good Cleric, Herald, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (holy water or powdered silver and iron, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Divine, Protection) Concentration
Protection from Poison Druid, Elementalist (Water), Herald, Witch 2nd Touch V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Nature, Negation, Protection)
Psionic Seed Bomb Druid, Wizard 2nd Self S, M (tumbleweed, pinecone, or sunflower head) 1 Action Conjuration (Nature, Weaponry)
Punishing Flesh to Stone 6st Medium S, M (limestone) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Earth, Transformation) Concentration
Purify Food and Drink Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Herald, Witch 1st Short V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Divine, Hearth, Nature, Negation)
Purifying Flame Cleric Cantrip Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Radiant)
Radiant Flame Blade 2nd Self V, S, M (sumac leaf) 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Fire, Weaponry)
Radiant Shield Cleric, Herald 1st Medium V, S, M (scrap of holy text) 1 Bonus Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection) Concentration
Rage of the Meek Artificer, Wizard 4st Self V, M (bauble, curio, or toy worth at least 20 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Force, Protection)
Raise Dead Bard, Cleric, Herald 5st Touch V, S, M (diamond worth at least 500 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Necromancy (Divine, Healing)
Raise Hell Warlock, Wizard 9st Self V, S, M (drop of blood from a fallen angel, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Transmutation (Evil, Law, Terrain) Concentration
Rapid Air Wave 1st Short V 1 Action Conjuration (Air, Weaponry)
Rapid Conjure Celestial 7st Medium V, S 1 Minute Conjuration (Divine, Good, Summoning)
Rapid Conjure Elemental 5st Medium V, S, M (a 10-foot cube of air, earth, fire, or water as appropriate) 1 Minute Conjuration (Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water)
Rapid Conjure Fey 6st Medium V, S 1 Minute Conjuration (Arcane, Nature, Summoning)
Rapid Conjure Minor Elementals 4st Medium V, S 1 Minute Conjuration (Air, Arcane, Earth, Fire, Nature, Summoning, Water)
Rattling Faerie Fire 1st Medium V 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Utility) Concentration
Ravaging Roots Druid, Sorcerer 6st Long V, S, M (dried willow tree root) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Earth, Nature, Plants) Concentration
Ray of Enfeeblement Warlock, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Necrotic) Concentration
Ray of Frost Artificer, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Cold, Movement)
Reactive Find Traps 2nd Long V, S 1 Minute Divination (Divine, Protection, Senses, Technological, Utility)
Reanimating Circle of Death 6st Long V, S, M (shards of a black pearl worth at least 500 gold) 1 Action Necromancy (Necrotic)
Regenerate Bard, Cleric, Druid, Witch 7st Touch V, S, M (prayer wheel and holy water) 1 Minute Transmutation (Divine, Healing, Nature)
Reincarnate Druid, Witch 5st Touch V, S, M (rare oils and unguents worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Transmutation (Healing, Nature, Transformation)
Reinforcement Instant Summons Witch, Wizard 6st Touch V, S, M (precious stone worth 1, 000 gold) 1 Minute Conjuration (Arcane, Summoning)
Remove Curse Cleric, Herald, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Divine, Negation)
Repelling Antilife Shell 5st Self V, S 1 Action Abjuration (Protection, Technological, Undead) Concentration
Resilient Sphere Wizard 4st Short V, S, M (spherical piece of clear crystal) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Protection) Concentration
Resistance Artificer, Druid, Herald Cantrip Touch V, S, M (a miniature cloak) 1 Action Abjuration (Nature, Protection) Concentration
Resolute False Life 1st Self V, S, M (alcohol or distilled spirits) 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Enhancement)
Resurrection Bard, Cleric 7st Touch V, S, M (diamond worth at least 2, 500 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Necromancy (Divine, Healing)
Reverse Gravity Sorcerer, Wizard 7st Long V, S, M (lodestone and iron filings) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane) Concentration
Revivify Artificer, Cleric, Herald, Witch 3st Touch V, S, M (diamonds worth 300 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Necromancy (Divine, Healing)
Rope Trick Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (braided silver chain of at least 50 gold, which the spell consumes) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Planar, Utility)
Ruinous Magic Missile Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Force)
Rynian’s Potent Sufferer’s Pact 3st Medium V, S, M (a piece of bloody string) 1 Action Evocation (Divine, Force, Healing)
Sacred Flame Cleric Cantrip Medium V, S 1 Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Radiant)
Sacrificial Power Word Kill Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Attack)
Sanctuary Cleric 1st Short V, S, M (silver mirror) 1 Bonus Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection)
Scorching Ray Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Long V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Fire)
Scrying Bard, Cleric, Druid, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 5st Self V, S, M (focus worth at least 1, 000 gold) 10 Minutes Divination (Arcane, Divine, Nature, Scrying) Concentration
Searing Equation Artificer, Warlock, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction, Law, Psychic)
Secret Chest Wizard 4st Touch V, S, M (chest 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet, constructed from materials worth at least 5, 000 gold, and a Tiny replica made of the same materials worth at least 50 gold) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Planar, Utility)
See Invisibility Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Self V, S, M (pinch of powdered talc) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Enhancement, Senses)
Seed Bomb Druid, Wizard 2nd Self S, M (tumbleweed, pinecone, or sunflower head) 1 Action Conjuration (Nature, Weaponry)
Seeming Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 5st Short V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Obscurement, Utility)
Sending Bard, Cleric, Witch, Wizard 3st Unlimited V, S, M (piece of copper wire) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Communication, Divine)
Sequester Witch, Wizard 7st Touch V, S, M (dust of diamonds, emeralds, rubies, and sapphires worth at least 5, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Obscurement, Utility)
Shackling Ice Storm 4st 300 feet V, S, M (drop of water) 1 Action Evocation (Cold, Nature, Storm)
Shadow Fireball 3st Long V, S, M (bat guano and sulfur) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Fire)
Shadowed Finger of Death 7st Medium V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Necrotic, Undead)
Shaking Thunderwave Artificer, Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Nature, Thunder)
Shapechange Druid, Wizard 9st Self V, S, M (circlet worth at least 1, 500 gold placed on your head before the transformation) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Nature, Shapechanging) Concentration
Sharpshooting Arcane Eye 4st Medium V, S, M (a mushroom-shaped piece of wood inside a universal joint) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Scrying) Concentration
Shatter Artificer, Bard, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (A silver bell or chime) 1 Action Evocation (Sound, Arcane, Thunder)
Shattering Barrage Bard, Cleric, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 2nd Long V, S, M (handful of clean sand) 1 Action Evocation (Air, Terrain)
Shield Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Reaction Abjuration (Arcane, Protection)
Shield of Faith Cleric, Herald 1st Medium V, S, M (scrap of holy text) 1 Bonus Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection) Concentration
Shillelagh Druid Cantrip Touch V, S, M (club or quarterstaff) 1 Bonus Action Transmutation (Nature, Transformation, Weaponry)
Shocking Grasp Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard Cantrip Touch V, S 1 Action Evocation (Affliction, Arcane, Attack, Lightning)
Silence Bard, Cleric, Witch 2nd Long V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Divine, Negation, Senses) Concentration
Silent Image Bard, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 1st Medium V, S, M (bit of wool) 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Senses) Concentration
Simulacrum Wizard 7st Touch V, S, M (a snow or ice copy of the target, a piece of the target's body placed inside the snow or ice, and powdered ruby worth 1, 500 gold sprinkled over the duplicate, all consumed by the spell) 12 Hours Illusion (Arcane, Transformation)
Skeletal Hands Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard 1st Short S, M (finger bone) 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Divine, Necrotic) Concentration
Skilled Fabricate 4st Long V, S 10 Minutes Transmutation (Arcane, Transformation)
Sleep Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 1st Medium V, S, M (pinch of fine sand) 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion)
Sleet Storm Druid, Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 2nd Long V, S, M (few drops of melted snow) 1 Action Conjuration (Cold, Nature, Terrain, Weather) Concentration
Slippery Awaken 5st Touch V, S, M (an intricately carved agate worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 8 Hours Transmutation (Beasts, Enhancement, Nature, Plants)
Slow Elementalist (Earth), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st Long V, S, M (drop of molasses) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement, Negation, Time) Concentration
Sneaky Spike Growth Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 2nd Long V, S, M (seven sharp thorns, or small, sharpened twigs) 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Terrain) Concentration
Soulwrought Fists Cleric, Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (handful of iron filings) 1 Action Transmutation (Enhancement, Transformation, Unarmed, Weaponry) Concentration
Spare the Dying Artificer, Cleric, Witch Cantrip Touch V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Divine, Healing)
Speak with Animals Bard, Druid, Witch 1st Self V, S 1 Action Divination (Beasts, Communication, Nature, Utility)
Speak with Dead Bard, Cleric 3st Touch V, S, M (burning incense) 1 Action Necromancy (Communication, Divine, Knowledge, Utility)
Speak with Plants Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 3st Self V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Communication, Nature, Plants, Utility)
Specific Detect Thoughts Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd 30-foot radius V, S, M (copper piece) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Senses, Telepathy) Concentration
Spider Climb Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (cobweb and small wooden shoe) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement, Utility) Concentration
Spike Growth Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 2nd Long V, S, M (seven sharp thorns, or small, sharpened twigs) 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Terrain) Concentration
Spirit Guardians Cleric 3st Self V, S, M (holy symbol) 1 Action Conjuration (Divine, Necrotic, Radiant) Concentration
Spiritual Weapon Cleric 2nd Medium V, S 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Force)
Spiteful Divine Favor 1st Self V, S 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Divine, Radiant, Weaponry) Concentration
Sporesight Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 7st Medium V, S, M (toadstool) 1 Action Evocation (Nature, Obscurement, Senses) Concentration
Stalwart Phantom Steed Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S 1 Minute Illusion (Arcane, Movement, Summoning, Utility)
Star Sign Planar Binding Bard, Cleric, Druid, Witch, Wizard 5st Medium V, S, M (jewel worth at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Abjuration (Arcane, Compulsion, Divine, Nature, Planar, Utility)
Steadfast Antimagic Field 8st Self V, S, M (pinch of powdered cold iron) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Negation, Planar, Protection) Concentration
Stinking Cloud Bard, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st Long V, S, M (rotten egg or dried fish scale) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Poison) Concentration
Stone Shape Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Wizard 4st Touch V, S, M (soft clay shaped as part of the spell) 1 Action Transmutation (Nature, Transformation)
Stonesense Cleric, Druid, Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch 3st Touch V, S, M (a rough figure of an earth elemental) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Divine, Earth, Nature)
Stoneskin Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 4st Touch V, S, M (diamond dust worth 100 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Abjuration (Arcane, Nature, Protection) Concentration
Storm Kick Artificer, Cleric, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 5st Long V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Lightning, Movement, Thunder, Unarmed)
Storm of Vengeance Druid, Witch 9st Sight V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Acid, Cold, Lightning, Nature, Storm, Thunder, Weather) Concentration
Storming Flame Blade 2nd Self V, S, M (sumac leaf) 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Attack, Fire, Weaponry) Concentration
Stunning Eldritch Cube 5st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Psychic) Concentration
Subtle Dramatic Sting 1st Short V, S, M (broken violin string and a wasp's stinger) 1 Bonus Action Enchantment (Fear, Psychic, Sound) Concentration
Suggestion Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 2nd Short V, M (miniature bottle of red wine and some soap) 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Sunbeam Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 6st Self V, S, M (small prism of clear glass) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Radiant) Concentration
Sunburst Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 8st Long V, S, M (piece of sunstone and a bead of stained glass) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Radiant)
Superior Forcewall Artificer, Wizard 5st Long V, S, M (powder of crushed clear gemstone) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Force, Planar, Protection, Utility) Concentration
Sure-Footed Spider Climb Artificer, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Wizard 2nd Touch V, S, M (cobweb and small wooden shoe) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement, Utility) Concentration
Surfacing Wormway Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st 150 miles V, S 1 Minute Enchantment (Movement, Summoning)
Swift Astral Projection 9st Touch V, S, M (one jacinth worth 1,000 gold per creature affected and one ornately carved silver bar worth at least 100 gold per creature affected, all consumed by the spell) 1 Hour Necromancy (Movement, Planar, Utility)
Swift Fly 3st Touch V, S, M (feather) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement) Concentration
Symbol Bard, Cleric, Witch, Wizard 7st Touch V, S, M (mercury, phosphorous, and powdered diamond and opal with a total value of at least 1, 000 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Minute Abjuration (Arcane, Protection)
Taunting Vicious Mockery Bard Cantrip Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Attack, Psychic)
Tearful Sonnet Bard 4st Self V, S, M (whole onion) 1 Action Enchantment (Compulsion, Psychic, Sound) Concentration
Telekinesis Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 5st Medium V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Movement) Concentration
Telepathic Bond Witch, Wizard 5st Short V, S, M (two matching cards from different decks) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Communication, Telepathy)
Teleport Bard, Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 7st Same plane V 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Teleportation)
Teleportation Circle Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard 5st Touch V, M (rare chalks and inks worth 50 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Minute Conjuration (Arcane, Teleportation)
Tempestuous Earthquake 8st 500 feet V, S, M (dirt, rock, and clay) 1 Action Evocation (Earth, Terrain) Concentration
Terrible Dream 5st Same plane V, S, M (sand, ink, and a writing quill plucked from a sleeping bird) 1 Minute Illusion (Affliction, Communication)
Thaumaturgy Cleric, Herald, Witch Cantrip Short V 1 Action Transmutation (Divine, Enhancement)
Thunder Bolt Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard 4st Long V, S, M (tiny sheet of metal) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Nature, Sound, Storm, Thunder)
Thunderwave Artificer, Bard, Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 1st Self V, S 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Nature, Thunder)
Time Stop Sorcerer, Wizard 9st Self V 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Time)
Tiny Hut Bard, Witch, Wizard 3st Self V, S, M (piece of thatched roof woven into a dome and a sculpture of a protective deity worth 200 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Minute Evocation (Arcane, Force, Protection, Utility)
Tongues Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 3st Touch V, M (clay model of a ziggurat) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Communication, Divine)
Tormenting Bane 1st Short V, S, M (a small straw dolly) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction) Concentration
Transferrable Darklight 3st Self V, S, M (torch coated with pitch) 1 Action Evocation (Utility)
Transport via Plants Druid 6st Touch V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Divine, Nature, Plants, Teleportation)
Trapped Passwall Elementalist (Earth), Wizard 5st Short V, S, M (sesame seeds) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Terrain, Utility)
Traveler's Ward Bard, Cleric, Herald, Wizard 1st Touch V, S, M (well-polished ball bearing) 1 Action Abjuration (Protection, Sound)
Traveling Gust of Wind 2nd Self V, S, M (seed) 1 Action Evocation (Air, Nature) Concentration
Tree Stride Druid, Elementalist (Earth) 5st Self V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Divine, Nature, Plants, Teleportation) Concentration
True Heart of Dis 8st Self V, S, M (replica iron heart worth at least 1, 000 gold) 10 Minutes Necromancy (Enhancement, Evil, Fear, Planar, Protection)
True Polymorph Bard, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Short V, S, M (mercury, gum arabic, smoke) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Shapechanging, Transformation) Concentration
True Resurrection Cleric, Druid 9st Touch V, S, M (holy water and diamonds worth at least 25, 000 gold, which the spell consumes) 1 Hour Necromancy (Divine, Healing)
True Seeing Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Touch V, S, M (an ointment for the eyes made from mushroom powder, saffron, and fat costing 25 gold, consumed by the spell) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Divine, Senses)
True Strike Bard, Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard Cantrip Short S 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Attack, Enhancement) Concentration
Unholy Star Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard 7st Long V, S 1 Action Conjuration (Fire, Necrotic)
Unnerving Bane 1st Short V, S, M (a small straw dolly) 1 Action Enchantment (Affliction) Concentration
Unseen Servant Bard, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 1st Medium V, S, M (string and wood) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Summoning, Utility)
Unsettling Arcane Riposte 1st Self V, S 1 Reaction Evocation (Arcane, Attack)
Vampiric Touch Warlock, Wielder, Witch, Wizard 3st Self V, S 1 Action Necromancy (Arcane, Attack, Healing, Necrotic) Concentration
Venomous Succor Druid, Witch 3st Touch S 1 Bonus Action Evocation (Healing, Nature, Poison)
Vicious Mockery Bard Cantrip Medium V 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Attack, Psychic)
Vomitous Cobra's Spit 3st Self S, M (poisonous snake's fang) 1 Action Conjuration (Attack, Poison) Concentration
Vornift’s Ecstatic Conjure Aberration 6st Medium V, S 1 Hour Conjuration (Arcane, Divine, Planar, Summoning) Concentration
Wall of Fire Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Fire), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 4st Long V, S, M (phosphorus) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Divine, Fire, Protection) Concentration
Wall of Flesh Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (piece of bone) 1 Action Evocation (Chaos, Evil, Protection) Concentration
Wall of Force Artificer, Wizard 5st Long V, S, M (powder of crushed clear gemstone) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Force, Planar, Protection, Utility) Concentration
Wall of Ice Witch, Wizard 6st Long V, S, M (quartz) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Attack, Cold, Protection) Concentration
Wall of Stone Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Earth), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 5st Long V, S, M (block of granite) 1 Action Evocation (Arcane, Divine, Earth, Obscurement, Protection, Terrain, Utility) Concentration
Wall of Thorns Druid, Witch 6st Long V, S, M (thorns) 1 Action Conjuration (Attack, Divine, Nature, Obscurement, Plants, Protection) Concentration
Warding Bond Cleric, Wielder 2nd Touch V, S, M (pair of platinum rings worth at least 50 gold each, which you and the target must wear for the duration) 1 Action Abjuration (Divine, Protection)
Warrior's Instincts Bard, Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 5st Self V, S, M (headband) 1 Action Divination (Enhancement, Protection, Senses) Concentration
Water Breathing Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S, M (short reed or piece of straw) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Divine, Enhancement, Utility, Water)
Water Walk Artificer, Druid, Elementalist (Water), Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 3st Short V, S, M (piece of cork) 1 Action Transmutation (Arcane, Divine, Enhancement, Movement, Utility, Water)
Web Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard 2nd Medium V, S, M (spiderweb) 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane, Movement, Obscurement) Concentration
Weird Witch, Wizard 9st Long V, S 1 Action Illusion (Arcane, Attack, Fear) Concentration
Whirlwind Kick Druid, Elementalist (Air), Sorcerer, Wielder, Wizard 3st Self V, S 1 Action Transmutation (Movement, Thunder, Unarmed)
Wild Irresistible Dance Bard, Wizard 6st Short V 1 Action Enchantment (Arcane, Compulsion) Concentration
Wind Up Cleric, Herald, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wielder, Wizard 1st Self S 1 Action Evocation (Enhancement)
Wind Walk Druid 6st Short V, S, M (fire and holy water) 1 Minute Transmutation (Air, Divine, Movement, Transformation)
Wind Wall Druid, Elementalist (Air) 3st Long V, S, M (fan and exotic feather) 1 Action Evocation (Air, Attack, Divine, Protection, Weather) Concentration
Wish Sorcerer, Witch, Wizard 9st V 1 Action Conjuration (Arcane)
Witlock’s Incriminating Trace Magic Aura 3st Self V, S, M (glass lens) 1 Action Divination (Arcane, Divine, Law, Senses) Concentration
Word of Recall Cleric 6st 5-foot radius V 1 Action Conjuration (Divine, Teleportation)
Wormway Cleric, Druid, Sorcerer, Warlock, Witch, Wizard 6st 150 miles V, S 1 Minute Enchantment (Movement, Summoning)
Writhing Transformation Warlock, Witch, Wizard 9st Self V, S, M (coffin filled with worms, consumed by the spell) 1 Week Transmutation (Arcane, Evil, Transformation)
Zone of Truth Bard, Cleric, Herald 2nd Medium V, S 1 Action Enchantment (Communication, Compulsion, Law)